Internal Parasite Treatment Options


Mostly New Member
Mar 15, 2014
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My blue dwarf gourami definately has an internal parasite :(. Are there any treatments which do not break the cycle of the tank? I am already trying to get my tank back to normal after foolishly using Bactersheild to treat a swordtail with body fungus. That killed all my good bacteria. I have a 10 gal hospital tank but my swordtail with body fungus is in there right now. Should I put the gourami in there too and treat him separately or treat him in my main tank as I read parasites can spread? Thanks!
It depends on what parasite it is.
Does the fish have long stringy poos, and if so, what colour (red, white, clear)?
Yes, long stringy poos and they are either white or clear. It varies.
I agree with the__lock_man.
What fish do you keep with the the dwarf gourami/?.
There one med that I can think of and its called parasite clear.
Have you seen any red worms sticking out of the anus.
Other signs of internal parasites are.
The fish will look thin, bloated. or have a sunken in belly.
Bent spine sometimes.
Fish will sometimes swim on it's side.
Spitting food out.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Long stringy white waste,. clear waste,
I have 4 albino Cory catfish, 1 double tail male betta, 2 gold panda mollies, 1 silver mollie, 3 hi fins, and the blue dwarf gourami + a red velvet male swordtail in a hospital tank right now due to body fungus.
Nothing out of the ordinary other than the gourami having long stringy white and clear poo. He even has normal behavior, just abnormal poop.
For now I would just try some shelled peas to see if that helps and clears it up.
Long stringy white poo can also be constipation, bacterial infection. internal parasites. Clear poo can 
mean the fish hasn't been eating, bacterial infection, internal parasites,
Well. He definitely eats and I have been feeding them sparingly due to my
Ammonia spike (see other thread about swordtail). Shelled peas? Never heard of that tactic.
Drop some frozen peas in boiling water for a few minutes. Remove and let them cool down for
a few minutes, Pop out of shell and chop into tiny pieces and add to the tank.
Remove uneaten peas after half an hour.
Sometimes fish will turn the noses up at peas for the first time so keep trying.
Introduce more veg into there diet like cabbage, lettuce, spinach, sprouts, broc.
Thanks. Will do. He has his 2nd poo string hanging in just about a 2 hour period. It's mainly clear. I noticed one last night too. So that's 3 clear poo strings in half a day so far. :(
Try the peas first and if no improvement reply back on your thread.
I wouldn't worry just yet. As he's not showing any other signs of internal parasites.
His waste might look green with the peas.
I have used Prazipro proactively with no bacteria loss or other side effects.  It's perfectly safe.   On the bottle it says it treats conditions caused by flukes,tapeworm, flatworms, turbellarians.
Did you try the peas?
You are using a medication at the moment in the tank. Like humans this can also alter bowel movements.

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