Internal Hemorrages/Velvet Disease on fry


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk

I manage to breed my guppies in my community tank, i have now transferred them to a 20 litre tank and are all feeding well and growing pretty fast. Just having a few teething problems i've had 2 baby guppies 1 died with what look like velvet disease as it had a slight fluffy appearance when i took a closer look at the ded lifeless body (died during the night) and then a week later another 1 died which look like an internal hemorrage as there was blood coming from underneath the gill area.

I just wanted to know why it died of a hemorrage? and they quite common in rearing fry? i treated the remaining fry with a couple of drops of fungus treatment, i carry out a water every three days to keep it fresh. I've tested the water and it showed the follow:-

Ammonnia 0.1 mg/litre
Nitrite 0.1 mg/litre
Nitrate 25mg/litre
Ph 7.3

Any info or advice would be most appreciated

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