Internal Filter Positioning


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
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I'm wondering about the positioning of my Fluval 2 Plus filter in my tank. Other than for surface disturbace is there any reason why the filter must be positioned close to the surface. Ideally I want to mount the filter as close to the bottom of the tank as possible to hide it away behind a piece of Mopani I'll be running C02 and having plants in the tank so surface disturbance is not really a concern to me and any additional aeration will hopefully be provided by the plants i plan to grow.

Many thanks

Can you se my Fluval3Plus in my avatar???lol

I have it 2 inches of the bottom (I don't want it sucking up sand)

This leaves it 2 inches from the water surface and is also connected to a spray bar which I got from P@H for £5.

It is in the back left corner

Still can't se it???

The magic of cheap cameras lol

Ok, cheers for that! I can just make it out in the pic. I've got gravel substrate so no worries about the filter sucking it up.
I cant see it myself. Its shadowed by the plants on the left of this pic.

you can see the spraybar going to the right and also the Internal UV Steriliser top right.

Heres a pic

Now you can se it lol

(I've moved it forward a little since the avatar pic, as I have my diffusor sitting half under it.)

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