Internal bleeding?!?!


Fish Herder
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester. UK
Yesterday I found one of my 4-month old Swordtail hiding away next to the internal filter. Her breathing is faster than normal, and she's not eating for the last 2 meals. Her spine near the tail end is curved, like in a S-shape. And her abdomin is red, like an internal bleeding. :X :no: :sad:

So I immediately did a water change -- ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 40. (I'll do another water change to lower the nitrate tonight)

She's not born to have a curved spine. Perhaps it's some injuries? Or some infectious disease?

I am at a loss on what else I should do apart from water changes. :/ Will adding salt help?

Thanks for any input in advance!
Hi Feline,
The symptoms sound like internal parasites or inner organ damage, these can cause the muscles to spasm giving the S shape. The internal bleeding could be linked to either. Unfortunately I think its probably too advanced at that stage to be treated, I really hope others have any different opinions. What I would do would be to isolate the fish and turn up the heat to around 29C, Octozin from waterlife is a good broad spectrum internal and external treatment, plus the new-age design of the packet lulls you into thinking its somehow more natural and safe than other treatments!

abdominal bleeding is unlikely to be seen in aswimming fish so i assume we are seeing red on the abdominal region of the fish , which makes me think of septiceamia (bacterial infection of the blood system) also a viral disease in carp

curvature of the spine, again from your description i am assuming this is acquired can be due t physical or traumatic injury , electrc shock has been known to fracture spines!!!, tumours are uncommon

also some of the bacteria that can cause septicaemia probs will cause spinal curvature
and fungal granulomas may aswell

nutritional deficencies, phosphoruc trptophan and vit c

chemical toxins especially insecticides use in aerosol flea or fly products can cause violent muscle spasm and spinal curvature
heavy metals (no not black sabbath) zinc lead and cadmium

no easy answer there
all the best andrew
ps turning the heat if you think it is bcterial is counter productive as this allows the bacteria to multiply more quickly

observe your fish , try and make a guess at one problem and only treat what you think is the cause

fish medicine is frustrating and unrewarding to begin with
good husbandry and clean water avoid most of the easy problems

good observation will alert you early to probs and in my case still dosen't help me identify all the problems

fishgeek you seem to have a great knowledge of this stuff. It is good to have people like you around.
i enjoy it
it kinda like practice
hopefully it will hold me in good stead for any probs i encounter at home

Thanks for the replies guys!! :) :D

Unfortunately I think its probably too advanced at that stage to be treated
Ken, I hate to admit this, but I think the same way too :(

fish medicine is frustrating and unrewarding to begin with
I agree fishgeek! It's so hard to make a correct diagnosis especially this time.

Now I've put the fish in the hospital tank n the temperature is up to 28-29C. Today she's still the same as yesterday. I'll have a look in Octozin n the products with waterlife. Seems that their products r the best comparing to the others available here!

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