internal bactrial infection


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Both my angels are sick one is hiding and wont eat the other looks like its getting a hole on the side of its body and losing its couler but is still eating fine could this be internal bacterial infection if so what do i need to do to cure it

thanx nick
If it is an internal bacterial infection, then there's a good med by interpet you can use to treat it although a hole in your fish and loss of color sounds more like an ulcer which can be a symtom of internal bacteria problems but quite serious if it is.

What are your water quality stats and has the angel picked on at all recently or been in any fights; what are your other fish in the tank and their numbers and what size tank are they in/how many gals does it hold?

Holes in fish can be because a variety of things and the most important thing is treating them with the right meds as they can be very stressful for the fish and you don't want to get yourself in the situation where you use the wrong med which also stops you from using the med you need.
Here's a site with lots of pics of fish deseases if you scroll down; do any of these resemble what your angels have?

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