Interesting Website

handsomeboy said:
the small ones do look a little crowded.
A little?

Tank size: 18in x 12in x 12in (45cm x 30cm x 30cm)

4 x Corydoras hastatus 1.75"
2 x Colisa chunae 1.75"
4 x Barbus gelius 1.5"
4 x Rasbora maculata 1"
2 x Nannostomus marginatus 1.25"
4 x Heterandria formosa 1.25"
8 x Cheirodon axelrodi or Paracheirodon innesi 1.5"
4 x Rasbora heteromorpha 1.75"
2 x Acanthopthalmus semicinctus 3"

That's aproximately 53 inches of fish, by THEIR measurement. I don't care what stocking "rule of thumb" you use, suggesting that it is advisable to put 53" of fish in a 15 gallon tank is simply ludicrous.
What about the Angelfish tank that is 24in x 12in x 15in? They have six angels in there along with a lot of other fish.
Bad, bad... Very bad combinations... Very bad information... It's sad, that everybody can give advices on internet and no one watches over those advices...
I guess this topic turned right around, once people noticed!

Someone really needs to realize that they're wrong. I bet that these people (or at least some of them) have never kept fish for extended periods of time. They give advice without even having the faintest inkling whether or not it's true. :X
its crazy isnt it? My dad got me into the hobby years ago, and he he always stressed "understocking" he like to use the 1" per 2 gallon rule. He always had good luck using that method. :thumbs: He had a 20 gallon and never had more than 10 fish. He usually just had neons and a few corys.
I sent them an email to
telling them that their info on stocking levels was misleading, incorrect,
and bad advice. Maybe if others did the same they would see the light. :flex:
LOL at the amount of fish in the smallest one!!

Are they mad?! I have a tank that size, currently housing a female krib, and I can't imagine all those fish in there!!
Here's what they wrote in the section on "Buying your fish":

First is the maximum number of fish that your aquarium will safely contain, for if you overstock, then there will be insufficient oxygen and they will soon be gasping at the surface. For tropical aquaria, you should allow approximately 25 inch (63cm) of fish (combined lengths) to each square foot (929 sq cm) of surface water.

This is just hideous :(

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