Interesting Pearl Danio Behaviour


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I was watching my celestial pearl danios (aka galaxy rasbora) this morning.

They were performing in an interesting fashion. They swam up until facing, then moved in until they were nose to tail, and proceeded to slowly chase each other in a circle. They flick with their caudal fin to propel their movements, whilst the dorsal and anal fins are a little flared.

I have some ideas as to what the behaviour could be, establishing a pecking order or maybe mating practices.

Unfortunately, after I introduced the fish (2 months ago) they became very stressed and subsequently got dropsy. Since, I have now only 2 left of the 10 I introduced. This pair have been stable and steady and have developed nice colouration since I have been feeding then disencapsulated brine shrimp eggs. The tank is moderately planted with bogwood. Also in the tank is java moss growing on a slate.

Has anyone observed any other interesting behaviour in their pearl danios

My danios used to do it all the time when I had more. Nothing sinister in it, they are just squaring up to eachother.
Never a dull moment with danios.

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