Interested in killis


Feb 17, 2004
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Chambersburg, PA (USA)
Just got a huge urge to get killis! This month's TFH is to blame; plus I've been wanting them for a long time.

I have a golden panchax in my community and it seems like they like calmer water somewhat like a betta does. So I was thinking instead of a bunch of 2.5 gallon tanks, maybe partition a 10 or 20 long. Have a betta section or two, then have a killi section or two. I already have a betta who needs moved out of my community tank. I thought the partition setup might be easier to heat and light.

Anybody have any killi experience, especially with Aphyosemion species? I could use any setup tips and species recommendations.
Noelberg, I also was searching through the forum to find out about killifish. I used the search in the forum and came up with a few members thata had some knowledge about them. I believe that some of those members are still active. Try that and then pm them if you don't get much reply here. I also searched the net and came up with some great information! :D
I think they are wonderful and a real possibility for me way up here as they often send eggs and that may be much more do-able for me.

The only ones I've been able to get a hold of are the panchax which I hear are the easiest to care for. My personal favorite is the A. Straitum male on bage 72 of TFH.

The problems with most killis is males will kill eachother. Since females are really dull colored most want 2-4 boys and they end up killing eachother. has a lot of useful info as well as a killi forum. Hope you find the right species you are looking for!
yes apparently the golden panchax are very easy to care for and breed - I'm so disappointed my female died :( but I was surprised my lfs even got those. Killis are darned near impossible to find at the lfs regardless of color.

I'm glad that TFH had that issue because apparently some killi species are no more demanding than a betta, yet they're next to impossible to find outside of the AKA website. I think these beautiful fish demand a little more respect :D

and I'm planning on having only a pair in each partition if I go with that method.

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