Interested in getting into Bettas


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
I'm still very new to the whole fishy world. I've had a 10 gallon community tank (ok, a molly tank really), for a little over a month now. It is full. But I've been considering getting a smaller tank (1 to 5 gal) and getting a betta (i would never want to keep in those little cups or houses they sell, the poor things hardly move, and they can't show off their beautiful fins). I've read you can't keep two males together or a male and female unless youre breeding and know what you are doing. Can two females live together or do they fight too? Maybe I'll just have to get two small tanks. :D Do bettas need the whole filter/light/gravel/plants/thing to hidein/heater/etc. that other fish need? Or can i just buy a small tank, some gravle and a plastic plant and call it good? Does the water need conditioning or can they survive american tap water (full of chlorine, fluoride, metals, and whatever else is in arizona water)? Do they like a lot of light of no light? What about water changes? Sorry for all the questions, just want to be informed before i make any purchases. :crazy:
Well someone else will give you more information I'll just give you some quick stuff though!

They are just like normal fish so they should have everything else you would give your other fish! See basic! someone will help you more tohugh!
hi! i decided to get into bettas after my dad told me they make good puppy-fish, but are small, unlike oscars.

first, a pair of females cannot work together. they need to be a trio or one girl will be bullied to death. a trio can live with a male, provided the tank is HEAVILY planted and the male isn't an agressive boy, passive or passive-aggressive otherwise the girls will definately be eaten. even passive boys will pick on girls though, so watch them carefully and only do this if you really know what you're doing, but either way the four fish could not live in a 5 gallon, so it's a moot point =)

bettas are a bit hardier and less picky than some fish, but are still fish. some plants (silk or live, no plastic to tear those pretty fins!) light, unless the room is very bright (never put a tank in front of a window) gravel to hold the plants down and grow nice, ammonia-eating bacteria, hidey-things are a good idea. bettas like caves, just don't get a small pot with a hole in the bottom, it may look tiny but a betta can fit there, i learned that the hard way and lost a boy (rip mack) heaters... hmm, my boy gets on fine without one, but he's surrounded by heat-holding plush toys in a smoldering hot room. during winter i'd definately suggest a reptile heating pad to keep his fishie-tootsies toasty warm, or a 15w/25w heater for anything above a 2.5g. filters, most people say a small tank can't be properly cycled, but i have a filter just in case. it seems to cut down the ammonia a little and cuts my tank changes in half, as well as clearing the debris away and giving the betta a nice current, which my boys seem to love. but, a betta can survive happily in a gallon tank with some silk plants and gravel, even without all their fittings =)

you *must* condition the water. unless you've got unchlorinated well water you must do that. i'm lucky, i get my water from an underground lake and it's filtered mercilessly, so no conditioning. bettas are individual fish, some may love light, others may want to hide away.

water changes! ah, the most difficult task of betta-ownership. first, i suggest a nice cup, a small jar or, if possible, one of those awful betta-hexes. take some tank water into the jar/cup/hex and net the betta into it. take the tank to a sink where the drain can be CLOSED and pour the water out. gather up fallen rocks and put them back, drain the water. wash the gravel thoroughly, wash any plants, rinse the filter. put everything back together and bring it upstairs. add as many quarts of water as the tank can hold; 3/4 cold, 1/4 hot. let it even out to the hex temperature, then add a bit of water into the hex. after a few minutes add the betta into his clean home. i think it takes less time for a betta to get used to new water that he knows then new water that he doesn't know.

and it's good youre asking, so many people buy bettas and keep them in jars or cup or :crazy: good heavens, peace lily vases :crazy:
BettaBoyz said:
water changes! ah, the most difficult task of betta-ownership. first, i suggest a nice cup, a small jar or, if possible, one of those awful betta-hexes. take some tank water into the jar/cup/hex and net the betta into it. take the tank to a sink where the drain can be CLOSED and pour the water out. gather up fallen rocks and put them back, drain the water. wash the gravel thoroughly, wash any plants, rinse the filter. put everything back together and bring it upstairs. add as many quarts of water as the tank can hold; 3/4 cold, 1/4 hot. let it even out to the hex temperature, then add a bit of water into the hex. after a few minutes add the betta into his clean home. i think it takes less time for a betta to get used to new water that he knows then new water that he doesn't know.
But by doing that aren't you destroying all the beneficial bacteria? You say that some people say a small tank can't be properly cycled (I'd certainly never say that), but then you go cleaning off all the bacteria so it can't be cycled! What are you washing off the gravel when you "clean it thoroughly", and what is that stuff in the filter that you are "rinsing off" after all? It's bacteria.

I'm sorry if I sound critical but I really can't see how it can be good to have a betta living in ammonia-filled water when it can be avoided.
i meant for a non-cycled tank. :*) i know that bacteria grow in the gravel, but in a non-cycled tank any food bits and poo get stuck in gravel and if they haven't decomposed and turned to ammonia by the time the water change comes then when you put the gravle back unwashed youre pretty much leaving behind some ammonia

i think o_O

i need to stop being such a smart-@$$ :*) :*)
Ok...two females will chase each other unless you have 3 but you need a big tank and like said before you need to know what your doing. Male bettas are quite territorial and can do well in a 5g tank. You could get a 10g tank add a male betta and a couple of corys and some cardinal tetras. Then if you see that your male isn't as aggressive you could try add some females. ;)

Also like the others said they need just as much changes etc as other fish. ;)
thanks everyone!!!!! :D i've ordered a 2 gal tank with filter and light and lid (now that i know they can be jumpers.....). will get some plants and gravel and a single male. and later, i'll get a second tank for a second male. can't wait to add bettas to my fishy family. you guys are great! :)
BettaBoyz said:
i meant for a non-cycled tank. :*) i know that bacteria grow in the gravel, but in a non-cycled tank any food bits and poo get stuck in gravel and if they haven't decomposed and turned to ammonia by the time the water change comes then when you put the gravle back unwashed youre pretty much leaving behind some ammonia
If you do that the tank/bowl will never be cycled. If OTOH you only do a partial water change and don't clean the gravel except superficially, your tank will soon be cycled. By doing a total strip-down once a week you are effectively causing your betta to live in ammonia at least 2 or 3 days a week, every week.

Better yet, you could get some matured gravel and filter floss from a matured tank, put them in an old stocking in your betta's tank and it will be fully cycled within a couple of weeks - no more ammonia ever again!

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