Installing Mh Lighting


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
Near Dover Kent
I have recently bought a percula 90 and am starting the exciting task of setting it up. As a newbie to marine i am looking for any help i can get!
The tamk comes with '150 watt 13000 kelvin Ocean light Metal Halide Lighting unit'. I was wondering if anone else has the same tank and has managed to find support legs to fix it to the top of the tank. We were planning to suspend from the ceiling but this would be difficult as the beams are not where we want the tank!!! It would mean squashing it into the corner of the room and i want to show it off in all its glory!
Any sugestions would be welcome as my lfs were less then helpful.
:hi: MsG to TFF and the salty side

Could you maybe use arcadia support legs or even make your own?

Would love to hear your plans and don't forget to start a journel :good:

Seffie x
Brackets can be attached to the wall behind the aquarium. The arms of the bracket extend out above the aquarium, and the pendant can be suspended from any of the mounting points. About £40 a set plus post :blink:
or you could use brackets that are designed for putting microwaves up on the wall £20 a set from Argos :good: :lol:
Brilliant idea John :good:

Seffie x

I will PM you the link for what I used did nt want to hang from the ceiling or the wall so I used a bracket that sits accross the tank.

Cannot PM but its here (please delete if against site rules)
Thank you everyone. Some great ideas.
Will get looking and let you all know what i decide.
My tank is still not here :angry: but as soon as it arrives i will start my journal.
Thanks again.
Donna x

:hi: MsG to TFF and the salty side

Could you maybe use arcadia support legs or even make your own?

Would love to hear your plans and don't forget to start a journel :good:

Seffie x

Seffie i must say an especially big thank you to you. I read your journal from start to finish and it really inspired me. Answered a lot of questions too!!
Will keep you posted.
Donna x
Seffie i must say an especially big thank you to you. I read your journal from start to finish and it really inspired me. Answered a lot of questions too!!

I'm very flattered, thank you - how long did it take to read all those pages :lol:

Seffie x
O.k, update time!
After investing in a stud finder thingy i found out that the beams behind the tank to fix wall mountings to are not in the right place :sad:. If i move the tank so i could use them the door gets in the way!!!!
So... i found a support system similar to the one Morri suggested and although it will need adjusting it will fit.. hooray :hyper:
This means that my 'mr' will let me go get the water and get ready to start the exciting task of buying LR and aquascaping!!!
Thank you for all your help everyone.
As soon as i figure out how to start a journal i will. Didn't let me earlier!!
Excellent news

Seffie x

If you look under Marine Chit chat there is a journel section there :good:

Seffie x
you could have attacked a piece of wood horrizontaly across a couple of studs, then attached the brackets to this
you could have attacked a piece of wood horrizontaly across a couple of studs, then attached the brackets to this

My other half did suggest this after i got back all excited with the support system!!!! Thank you though. If all goes wrong with what i have done this will be my next option but it all seems to be holding strong now :nod:

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