Injuries You Have Suffered


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
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Victoria Australia
Thought this may be an interesting topic. I got inspired to do it after my slight injury last night.
Walk over to my tank watching my fish and suddenly one of my yoyo loaches leaps 1 1/2 feet to the floor my darn lid on my tank had slid across (it's on an angle due to lots of filter pipes) it was flopping about under my tank stand I raked it across from under the stand and went to pick it up and forgot about it's eye spike....jabbed me straight in the pinky which cause me to drop the loach it then procedded to get it's eye spike tangled in my fluffy carpet....I was trying to just gently pull it off...wasn't working (insert many swear words in this story as it happend) this was 30 seconds in I decided I needed scissors to cut a fluff ball of carpet the loach was attached to. Grabbed my scissors cut...and the loach jumped straight into a net I had sitting next to it grabbed the next popped him back in the tank and is now happy healthy and not injured apart from my pinky.

Long story for a jabbed pinky but thats my injury whats yours?

P:s I am now making sure my lids on properly :good:
I have hurt my fingers pretty badly when my heater exploded, I was new to fishkeeping and being a good girl I took my heater out to clean it. Wiped the crud off it, went to put it back in the tank. But it had been on all this time, heating up. When I put it back in the cooler water of the tank it shattered. I got cut and burnt. :p

I have also got splinters from driftwood under my fingernail. I wasn't used to the pretty acrylic nails yet and poked myself while drying wood. It went right up under my nail, I cried, partially because it hurt but also because my french manicure was wrecked. :(
most surprising injury I would have to say is my wallet (or rather, Tsi_User's wallet.... thanks baby!). Started with a betta in a bowl (I know, I'm sorry!) and after he lived a few years and committed suicide by swimming too far into a shell, we went to the store to see a 6 gal on sale. It has been all downhill after that (underwater after that?), as now we're running a 30 gal, a 10 gal quarantine tank, and a 6 gal that will soon hopefully house a betta and our ADF. Didn't really expect this to be so addicting... or so expensive LOL always something new we want!
most surprising injury I would have to say is my wallet (or rather, Tsi_User's wallet.... thanks baby!). Started with a betta in a bowl (I know, I'm sorry!) and after he lived a few years and committed suicide by swimming too far into a shell, we went to the store to see a 6 gal on sale. It has been all downhill after that (underwater after that?), as now we're running a 30 gal, a 10 gal quarantine tank, and a 6 gal that will soon hopefully house a betta and our ADF. Didn't really expect this to be so addicting... or so expensive LOL always something new we want!

i know the feeling. i bought a $27 US black ghost knife fish today to go into my 55 gal (which i couldn't really afford the tank to begin with, let alone stock it). the tank has been set up for a while, but still. i hate finding things that you want or wanted for a while. i would go into the petstore every day i went and saw him there so i finally caved into his cuteness and bought him. now my wallet is empty for a week and can't spend any other money (the rest is already layed aside for things). fishkeeping is both a really enjoyable and expensive hobby (if you do it right).
RSI (repetative strain injury) due to entering the pin number of my debit card at lfs :(

Earache (not strictly an injury, more as a result of being married with 6 fish tanks :) )
I got stabbed between my index and middle finger by a shovelnosed catfish with its pectoral fin when we were transfering a friends fish to their new tank. Within few minutes my hand had swollen up to twice the size of the other and i had shooting pains running up my arm, really not a pleasent experience.

I had a chip taken off the bone in my wrist by my jardini arowana when it jumped at my hand as i removed the lid off the tank for feeding, that hurt a bit too.
I got stabbed between my index and middle finger by a shovelnosed catfish with its pectoral fin when we were transfering a friends fish to their new tank. Within few minutes my hand had swollen up to twice the size of the other and i had shooting pains running up my arm, really not a pleasent experience.

I had a chip taken off the bone in my wrist by my jardini arowana when it jumped at my hand as i removed the lid off the tank for feeding, that hurt a bit too.

Get a betta CFC, much less vicious. :p
Spiked in my index finger by a Kissing Gouramis Dosal Spike when i Wa Younger.

Another one for Earache from the other half and family.
I was lifting a heavy rock into my tank (for decoration) and I dropped it right on to my right foot. I broke my hole foot and was on crutches. That rock was very heavy. Won't try that again!
cut myself nastily on the corner of the glass brace.

Not much else though, i have had some fish jump outs before, but they have usually been put back in and happy.
Not an injury and not myself, but I read a very funny post on another forum about a family who were sorting out their tank and after switching the filter back on it wasn't working properly. So the husband tried blowing through the tube, still nothing, so he sucked on the tube. Very bad idea as he sucked up a load of fishey crap from the filter and was promptly sick.... straight into the tank!

Not funny really but it made me chuckle when I was reading it at work. The fish were ok, but the family spent hours netting out chunks from the water!

So the moral of that one is to NEVER suck on your filter tubes! :lol:
Pulled a back muscle from slinging 5 gallon buckets. This was before I set up hoses & pumps for water changes. I'll bet this is a common aquatics injury.
I've got a good couple,... resulting from either growing experience or plain being a moron :blush:

First water change I ever did on my 90 gallon, the entire sink fell out of the counter from the weight. Not so much a direct injury, but still a good story.

Countless cuts from cleaning second hand tanks with razor blades

Bit by a severum, and

Finger caught in the impellor of a filter

it's all for the fish though ;)
Wow, some injuries here are pretty big, the biggest one that i have ever had was when my ghost shrimp pinched my finger :p I barely even felt it! But now my ghost shrimps will hand feed, and it feels really cool when they walk on the my finger underwater, and when they try to get the tubifex from out of my fingers!

My Harlequin Rasboras, Honey/Dwarf gourami, and my female cherry barbs will all hand feed, so I get a couple of nips from them, but it kind of tickles, and dosen't hurt at all.

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