Injured Ray


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
middx heathrow
when i woke up this morning my female ray had a 2" gash on her underside by her mouth,its quite deep and open,but its not bleeding it must have happened several hours before i woke up.
i done a 30% water change and dosed the tank with melafix anything else i should do?could it get infected?
she must of got spooked during the night and swam into the edge of the bogwood
sorry to hear about your ray, that sounds nasty, i think melafix will do the job, its pretty good and never failed me.

Hope your ray gets well.

PS - Is there any pics of your rays hanging around, i would love to see them?

:( Damn...
Is she ok now, or still abit stressed?
I dont know, but like with most fish, should heal fairly well...Allthough have no experiance with rays...

Hope she gets better :good:

P.S. LT, click on canes name, then go to the part in his profile where it says proflie options on the right, then topics, and you should get a list of topics that cane has posted, then you can see what they look like (beautilful BTW...) :D
Infection is always possible with open wounds, but good job on the medicating. As far as I can tell, you've done what you could :good:

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