Injured Nijsseni


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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My female nijsseni has been injured, her upper lips has a cut and is swollen(i think my female ram attack her). Anyways she seems to be getting worse as her mouth is always wide open and wouldn't close and I don't think she could eat, and she's always hiding in my bogwoods. I added salt today, but what else could I do to help her or would her wounds actually heal without using meds????...
Would melafix affect my Bio filter????? I really don't like using meds as i have some bad experience with it.... :(
No, it's all natural.

I would maybe use a turkey baster and shoot some food towards her.
You want her to eat.

Is she swimming and acting normal?
she's not acting normal, she is hiding most of the time and if she comes out she normally stay at the bottom. Her colouring is fine though, she's not pale or anything....
Is that 2g hex in your sig up and cycled?

Maybe you could put her in there to heal.

That way the rams won't finish her off and you can monitor her eating.

On the other hand, moving her might just add to her stress.

Sorry, I wish I could give you a better answer. :/

Good Luck.

I dont know what else you can do for your fish, I do know adding salt wasnt the best thing to do =/ I checked out the fish you have in that tank, and 1 of them is the plec =/

Plecs however, cant take salt ... keep a close eye on it, seeing as I have heard of plecs dying when salt was added to the water
Everybody says that plecs can't take salt, but mine seems to be fine with it I have him for almost 7 months now and I've been salting my tank everytime I detect some bacterial infection on my fish... Anyways I don't have a hospital tank to put her in...
I got a pic and here she is... :(


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Bad News female nijsseni passed today.... :byebye: ...I found her lying dead on the gravel after I got home from school today...

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