injured fish :(


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2004
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one of my siamese fighters was recently used in a failed breeding attempt and now alot of his fins are shreaded (females can attack too lol!) will these fins grow back? do i need to give him any medication?
yes, fins will grow back, but you need to keep him in a nice condition to prevent any diseases from spreading becuase his immune system will be down during this time.

Try putting in some stress coat or melafix to treat hte wounded tail. Keep the betta relax by draping a cloth over hsi tank (assuming he has his own tank, you might want to keep him spereate for a while to lower stress levels). Keep the water clean, raise the tempreature a litlte (at around 78F is probably good)

:thumbs: good luck, you should notice a steady uphill/downhill within the first week or two of the treatment :) i had a wounded male with a big chunk of his tail eaten and he's fine now :)
few thats a relief cause his tail looks like what paper looks like when you put it through a shreader :/ o and he looks preety happy in the tank his in because he can allways see the other male but its a community tank should I leave him in the tank or move him to another one? o and how long should I wait before using him for breeding again?
thnx all this infomation is really helpful! :)
np :D glad i could hlep you out

i wouldn't try breeding him again unitl you see a steady improvement in his taile. My betta has been injured for about 3 weeks now you can still see a tiny litlte mark where hte injury was, i'm make sure unilt you feel that he's about 80-90% recovered and normal before breeding again :)

If your male is in a community tank, it might be alright to leave him in there, but you woudlnt' want other fish to pick on him while he's trying to heal. I put my betta in his down tank and draped a cloth over him so he'd go to sleep, seemed to work quite well :thumbs: but your betta might be different :)
thnx o btw his not actualy where fish can get him. his on a divider thing on the side and their is another betta in the other part of the divider thats why they can see each other. btw i dont have any of the medication you told me about but i have aquarium salt should i use that instead?
well if you dont' have medication you'll have to keep a close eye on him. Careful with using salt with bettas as they can be sensitive to it. I would suggest you go buy a little bottle of melafix or something (i know i was relucent to buy one too, but it did hlep the recover alot and it's only around $5.99 CDN).

But i would increase the temperature and do regular water changes to prevent any infection. Does the wound lead right up to his body? If it does you're even more open to infections and things, if it's just his tail it should heal in time if you keep the water clean with a slightly higher temp. I would try a bit of the salt, see how he handles it and go on right there :)

btw, my bettas are kept in a divider tank too so i think it's alright to leave him in there :)
thnx.. my fish doesnt sound as badly injured as yours and their is no wounds on the body so i think he should be allright. I put like a very small amount of salt in to see how he goes. i will get that medicine u told me about the next time i go to the fish shop. thnx for all your help I'm very happy that my betta isnt going to look like its been through a shreader for the rest of his life :) seya around I'l post if my betta gets any worse or better
:D no problem, glad i could pass down some of the info i learned from others :nod: best of luck to your betta, don't forget to post and tell us how he's doing :D
i would suggest bettamax over anyhting (NOT bettafix!). polyaqua is good too if you can find it.
o ok well he looks happy now so i dont think i will need to give him too much medication. I will go and get bettamax if i can find it

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