Injured Betta


New Member
Jul 12, 2008
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I've given up on having tankmates with my betta. Last night he was roughed up pretty badly. There's a split in his main tail and a chuck missing from his dorsal fin. He's back in his own tank, what can I do for him to help regrow his fins?
I've given up on having tankmates with my betta. Last night he was roughed up pretty badly. There's a split in his main tail and a chuck missing from his dorsal fin. He's back in his own tank, what can I do for him to help regrow his fins?
melafix will keep infections at bay whilst it heals, just keep his water extra clean, i always put injured bettas in a jar and water change 100% daily and regrowth happens within 10 days.
once regrowth starts, the fins repair quickly.

I quarantine the betta, add aquarium salt (i'm not convinced this works, but i have no reason to to say it doesn't), and add melafix. then just wait and keep the water clean.

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