Inherited Tank


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
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We have inherited a 4foot by 1 foot by 2 foot saltwater tank from my son, it has two orange and white clown fish, two black and white verticaly striped fish and a blue fish with a yellow tail. All are about 1 to 1.5" in length. Also there are a variety of invertibrates, mostly white thread worms living in the substrate, a wierd centipede type worm that seems to reside under the rocks, and small (2-3mm) limpet type molluscs.
I would like to add shrimps/crabs and anenomies but I have to sort out the unwanted matt-weed-type algae, and a white fungal-type growth. any natural solutions for balancing the algaae type growth? and any other help/hints?
Hello Profjim and welcome to the forum. :hi:

I saw this thread in the Tropical Chit Chat section and moved it here. Hopefully, you will get the advice you are looking for.

Also, I see that your Group is still "Validating". You need to find the email you should have received when you joined the forum and click the link to validate you membership. Otherwise, you will only be able to post in a select few forums. If you did not receive the email, you can have it resent by going here.

Good Luck!!!!
:hi: to the Marine Section :). If I were a betting man, I'd say that the other fish are black and white striped damselfish and yellowtail damselfish. Anyway we can get some pics of the tank? Would really help us out with what we're dealing with here. And how about a listing of the other equipment you may have like lighting, filtration, and flowrate?
Yea I agree with ski, a few pics of the tanks and livestock would help us ID things alot better. I also agree with ski on the fish.
The centipede like worms sound like bristleworms...
I think I am validated now...keep getting error messages, but I can post.

I am using another pc at the moment so I can't get photos uploaded yet, but I will have a go later in the week...hopefully!. BTW it's not going to be pretty....brace yourselves!

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