inherited tank - questions about heater, etc.

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Jul 20, 2005
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Hi! I inherited a freshwater tank from a friend. I've had it for a couple months now, and the fish seem fairly happy, but I have a few questions.

It's an Eclipse Hex 5 gallon tank with a clown loach, an angelfish, and a pleco (kind of spotted brown, common maybe). I put in a live plant from PetCo because I remembered hearing that live plants help maintain a healthy aquarium. I find a lot of little nibbled leaves floating on top of the water -- is this OK? I just remove the little leaves every week or so.

I read that loaches like company, but I think the tank is full enough already. Right? What about my little (2-3 inches or so) pleco - will it grow huge? What should I do about this? I don't really want to buy a new tank, but I will if I have to. I'm not sure how old these fish are.

The tank has a light and a filter, but should I add a heater? The water feels cool to the touch. From what I've read, my fish would like approximately 78F -- but would gradually heating it stress them out too much?

I've been replacing the filter about once a month when I do a 25% water change. But I read here that I shouldn't completely replace it. So I should wash the filter out with some tank water instead?

I feed the fish flake mix twice a day. Do I need to feed them anything else? A little lettuce for the plec, maybe?

I'd like to bring my fish to college with me. It's a 5-6 hour drive. How should I do this? Or is it a bad idea? I plan to just remove about 25% of the water (to make it easier to carry), cover the tank to keep it cool, and put it on the backseat with me (mom's driving).

ah five gallon?! with a angel, pleco and clown loach?! angels need at least 20 gallons, i read that cloach loachs like to be in groups of 3 and in 75 gallon tanks, and that plecdo will surely out grow your tank. for a five gallon, i'd suggest guppies and platties, and maybe some neon tetras.
oppositearmor said:
ah five gallon?! with a angel, pleco and clown loach?! angels need at least 20 gallons, i read that cloach loachs like to be in groups of 3 and in 75 gallon tanks, and that plecdo will surely out grow your tank. for a five gallon, i'd suggest guppies and platties, and maybe some neon tetras.

Yeah, I don't think my friend really knew what she was doing, but I have to take care of these guys now. A 75 gallon tank...that's a lot of money. What if I got a 25 gallon tank and added one more clown loach?
Hi dreamyshade,

Welcome to the forum, and to the fish keeping hobby it seems!

I'm afraid it is bad news, like oppositearmor said. All those fish are/will get far too large for a 5 gallon. Most people would probably suggest just a betta in a tank that size. I don't think a 25gal is even enough for the clown loach.

Can you find a local store to take the fish back and give you credit for a betta and some equipment maybe?

If you can get a 25gal then you have a lot more choices, but I still wouldn't include the current fish.
yes, but have you ever took into consideration that his freind might get mad at him for selling those fish? if you want to keep the angel. i'd recromend nothing smaller than a 20 gallon that's 18 inches high. and if you want more fish, just put in some neon tetras.
oppositearmor said:
yes, but have you ever took into consideration that his freind might get mad at him for selling those fish?  if you want to keep the angel.  i'd recromend nothing smaller than a 20 gallon that's 18 inches high.  and if you want more fish, just put in some neon tetras.

Angel fish will definately eat neons....Clown loaches can hit 12" and will only be suitable in a tank of 75+ ...They are a social fish and should be kept in groups....I have never kept them before but i think a 20gal is too small for an angel fish....and depending on what kind of a plec you have, you may find a 25 far too small very quickly. If the friend will get mad than so be's better than dead fish....If you inherited the tank then you are the keeper and decision maker. And clown loaches in a 25gal is a bad one. Can you post a picture of your pleco...well be able to give you a definate identity and what you'll need to keep him healthy.

Angels don't eat neons! mine don't, well, that's because the neons are basically full grown.
Until I can find out a place that will take my fish, what can I do to keep them healthy? Is the heater a good idea? Should I buy algae tablets for my pleco? Do I need to do 10% water changes every day?

Thanks, guys.
As i said...I've never kept angels...but i was almost positive that a full grown Angel would eat neons..again i may be wrong.

Dreamy...With a small becomes much easier to loose control and have your water quality fall. The bigger the tank, the more stable the water...with a small amount of water it doesn't take much for your Amonia/Nitrate/Nitrite readinsg etc to fluxuate. If you don't have the test kits to monitor these readings then you should probably invest as it will become a must have. A master test kit isn't that expensive...I can get one locally for $30 Cad.

Frequent water changes with dechlorinated water can never hurt your fish and most fish welcome it. Daily changes of 20-30% would be good...and in a 5gal wont take long. All of the fish you have are Tropical fish, so a heater should also be something to look into if you want to keep tropical fish. Sadly you will have to take the ones you have back...but it's in their best interests.

Hope i helped

Aaah! I bought a water-tester kit today and the ammonia level is really high. These poor fish. I did a partial water change, which I hope helps a little.

I know chemicals are bad for my fish, but I think I need to get an ammonia-decreaser to help them. Advice about this? My angelfish hasn't had much of an appetite the past few days, no wonder. : (

My step-mom is supposed to call my friend (it's really more like her friend, actually) soon to talk to her about this, but I'm just going to go ahead and email her.

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