Ingredients of the meds


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2003
Reaction score
250 mg Capsules of Water Soluble Ampicillin Trihydrate Activity

That is ALL it says. :huh: Not very helpful to me since that is the same as the name. :blink: Anyone know what this is and if it really is helpful to my poor betta girls???? I cant get a pic on right now, but one has popeye (pretty sure) and the other has this weirdo big pointy bump on the side of her head behind her eye and above the gills. :crazy: The one with popeye has improved some but not much. Its not as big as it was but the eye is still "popped" and looks kinda shiny-cloudy. The pointy bump on my other girl has not improved at all though! :sad: I have each girl in a 1 gal hospital tank with water change every other day. I medicated for five days (everyother day with water change), did 3 days with no meds, and began medicating again today. I have been adding just a pinch of the meds from the capsuls seeing as one full capsul treats 10 gal! :S Any help would be extremely... helpful! :thumbs:

PS: the meds treat these symptoms:
inflamed eyes, white body slime, advanced fin and mouth rot, popeye, columnaris(?whats this?), and fungal infections
I'm sorry they're not better yet :sad:

I don't have much experience with sick fish & I credit that to using silver on all of my fishies, maybe this stuff will help you too, here's a link with a little (or a lot) of info that you might find useful

you might have to copy and paste that, but it's worth the read. I bought a male a few days ago who had a VERY deep hole between his eyes, I was out of silver so I just put him in some clean water in his new tank, the next day the hole had a white patch inside it as though it was getting worse but the health food store wasn't open so he had to wait until Monday, after I treated him it took less than 2 days for the entire hole to disappear,it's GONE, healed up completely. Silver kills bacteria and promotes the growth of new tissue and I saw it happen right before my eyes (and between his :lol: ), you may want to try it

Either way I certainly hope your girlies pull through :nod: , keep at it :thumbs:
Thanks wuv :thumbs: I never heard of the silver thing before. I'm going to check that out right now! I'll let ya kno how things go.

I just scanned thru that article. It sounds like something worth trying out. How much do you give the fish? How often? How do you administer it? Etc...? Thanks again! ;)

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