Infusoria For Babys


Nov 4, 2006
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Burton on trent, Near Derby UK
Is this ok to feed babys on as on a website it said that all you do is put some leaves and water in a jar and allow it to go cloudy then when it clears you have infusoria. Is this ok for corys or not.

I use this all the time for triops, and i can say its defiantly not the most reliable method, so if you can use an alternative you should :/ .
I've never bred corys so i cant be sure, but I don't think very young cory fry can eat BBS straight away. I would first use very finely powdered fish flakes meant for fry (i would probably grind them down more using a mortar and pestle) then move on to BBS after that :good: .
Most common is Liquidfry at first, then microworms or baby brine shrimp. I so far have had no luck getting Liquidfry so I use fry powder until they start nibbling the blackworms. I have voluntary fry that find food in the parent's tank w/o any help from me. I usually add some floating plants, so I just guess they get something from them, too. I also have been adding gel tec Ultra Grow VX.

There is a pinned thread at the top on common breeding and raising of Cory.
i feed all mine mworm as soon as they are free swimming. then after 2 weeks, feed 3 times a day twice with worm and once with decapsulted bring shrimp. then after a few weeks, feed twice a day with DBS and crushed soaked flake. Then also offer crushed tabimin and live food when they are bigger :)
This is the piece I wrote for the breeding section of my own web site and also published it on Planet Catfish.

richchappy you will notice that the picture of one of my C. aeneus is the same one you have for your avatar ;)

Hatching & Raising Cory fry


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