Information on Red/Blue columbian tetra


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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Hey i went to the fish store and i saw some red/blue columbian tetras. i want to add it to my community of

3 x bristlenose pleco
5 x leopard corys
3 x blue rams

those are the bottom dwelling fish. i was going to buy some congo tetras but there to expensive.

what are the conditions of the red/blue columbian tetra ???
The Colombian is very hardy and is a good beginner fish, however it is fairly aggressive and should only be kept with more nippy, active and aggressive tetras, such as the Serpae, Blind Cave, Buenos Aires and the Silver Tip Tetra. They are definitely not good companions for smaller tetras and guppies. Colombians will be happier and show better colors when kept in groups of 6. They appreciate a well planted tank, but the will eat plants. Colombians will eat flake foods, freeze dried bloodworms and brine shrimp.

taken from


BW this should be in characins, mayhaps a mod will move it.
oh and will it be agressive to my fish because they hang round the bottom and wont they be around the top and in the fishstore i saw them with the blue ram tank
I kept the red and blue columbians in a shoal of 8 for over a year in a fully planted tank, from what I observed, they did not ever touch the plants, never were nippy, and will stay in the upper half of the tank mostly. They grow to about 2 inches, about the same size as a black tetra, and have the same temperment.

Beautiful fish, but mine were very skittish until I had all 8 of them in there together.

I now am keeping Congos, and as far as I am concerned, they are worth every cent of their high price, IMHO the prettiest tetras there are.

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