Information on Kribs


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
-_- I have a few questions about Kribs. I really want to get one for my 29 gallon tank that just finsihed cycling, but I want to know if it would be compatiable in a community tank. I'm planning to provide a couple caves and make the tank heavily planted if I can.

Are Kribs good in community tanks? (I know a breeding pair would get aggressive, so I only want one)
Would a male or female be the best?
Are they good with tetras and livebearers? :/

:) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I have a pair in a 15g with 6gups and 4 panda cories, and there are absolutely no problems.
They're not breeding though, so maybe it will change...

But anyway, if you only have one, I don't think there would ever be a problem to put him in a community tank.
IME a male on his own would be best. When not breeding they are a very peaceful fish.

N.B. duendecillo, when they start to breed lookout!!
I'm constantly looking at my tank, so I think I will notice it when they get aggressive. But thanx for the warning.
Man, they really are such great fish
Look at my sig, I have 2 Females, and they get along great with everyone. as a matter of fact my platies are more aggressive than them when it comes to food, and if you saw my pics my ottos push them away when it comes to eating the algae wafers. I think they will be fine as long as you keep it one sex.
I kept a lone female in my community tank for quite some time with no problems. She did get "testy" when she was ready to spawn, but with no male, the true aggression of this fish doesn't come out.

I have recommended the male to another person for this reason and he is getting on great with his tankmates. No problems at all thatI'm aware of.

They are GREAT fish, aren't they :wub:

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