Information Needed


Aug 14, 2002
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I know this may be alot but could you please try to help me here.

Fish Feedin for

1. Rummy Nose
2. Tiger Barb
3. Zebra DAnio's
4. Whit Clouds
5. Black Widow
6. Black Ruby Barb
7. Clown Loach
8. Cherry Barb
9. Glass Fish
10. Cardina Tetra
11. Emperer Tetra
12. Ram
13. CORYS in Genral
14. Platies
15. Sword Tails
16. Blood Fin

I just want to know what i should be feeding i don't have all thses fish but i have alot of those and i am wondering what should i feed em to make sure i am feeting what they need . So what do each nood that they usually eat.

Sorry thats alot

:X :X :X :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
Hi tff.
I have a few of the fish you mentioned in my "biotope". I vary their diet amongst the dry, fresh and frozen food that I have. I generally feed mine bloodworm/mossie larvae fresh/frozen and brine shrimp live-frozen tends to make a mess in the water and live daphnia. Other than that I feed mine with mirco-pelleted food and prepared flakes. For the bottom feeders I have"green" chips especially made for plecs.
I feed my fish Daphnia and Blood worms and flakes. I was wondering if those fish needed to eat other foods just besides that. I know i don't have all those fish but in the future i might get the ones i don't have.

I have 2 blood fins but recently one of them dies so i have 1 now
3 Zebra Danios
8 Corys 2 Julie, 3 banded, 3 albino
4 Platies
1 glass tetra i had alot more than that but the i think fin rot killed em there fin was sore and there was ich in the tank and killed one of my swords but i did put ich medicine in there i guess i didn't put it in time cause it died the next day and 2 days later it had soars on it's fin i think it was fin rot not possitive it was that though.
1 glass tetra left
1 Chinese alge eater
2 black mollies now i have more it had babies so i have 4 black mollies in my other tank now i got them out of there
2 salfin mollies alos had a babie i only found one em so i got it out of the tank it is in my 10 gal now with the other babies it looked alot like the female salfin which is white i can't exactly tell if it is one but i think it is itkinda looks like the fin is sal i was the first one 2 days before the black mollie had babies

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