- member of the parrot family
- most types considered domesticated (bred in captivity and modified from wild form)
- should *not* be fed a seed diet, contrary to popular belief; do best on a fortified pellet with supplimental fruits, veggies, greens, grains, and occasional seeds.
- prone to fatty liver disease (usually from seed feeding or overfeeding)
- may be housed with other parakeets; very gregarious social birds.
- if housed singly, will bond closer to humans, but require the same amount of attention as a parrot if kept singly (ie. at the VERY least 2 hours/day!)
- should have large cage where flight, climbing, etc. is possible, esp. if not let out of the cage for at least an hour daily.
- may have flight feathers clipped to prevent escape, but hand tame birds in a secure room needn't be clipped if flight is desired.
- may be taught to speak and imitate sounds, though to a lesser extent then larger parrots.
- may be sexed at maturity by cere color; males have blue cere, females have pinkish/brownish cere.
- have an English (larger) and "pet" variety
- require horizontal bars, plenty of perching to fufill climbing instincts
- enjoy and need plenty of behavioral enrichment via toys
- enjoy music/television when owner is away
- need coarse varied perching to keep nail length down, and nails may need trimming.
- need cuttlebone/lava rock/mineral block to wear beak down, and may require trimming.
- should be kept warm - (prefer 70 degrees and up) away from windows & drafts, but should not be in direct sunlight for prolonged amounts of time.
- may be kept in a secure cage outside if very warm out with little breeze and no rain (not reccomended)
- enjoy water for bathing and may also enjoy being 'misted' with water
Hm. Thats all thats coming to mind right now. I'll come back later if I think of anything else.