info wanted on buggies

- member of the parrot family
- most types considered domesticated (bred in captivity and modified from wild form)
- should *not* be fed a seed diet, contrary to popular belief; do best on a fortified pellet with supplimental fruits, veggies, greens, grains, and occasional seeds.
- prone to fatty liver disease (usually from seed feeding or overfeeding)
- may be housed with other parakeets; very gregarious social birds.
- if housed singly, will bond closer to humans, but require the same amount of attention as a parrot if kept singly (ie. at the VERY least 2 hours/day!)
- should have large cage where flight, climbing, etc. is possible, esp. if not let out of the cage for at least an hour daily.
- may have flight feathers clipped to prevent escape, but hand tame birds in a secure room needn't be clipped if flight is desired.
- may be taught to speak and imitate sounds, though to a lesser extent then larger parrots.
- may be sexed at maturity by cere color; males have blue cere, females have pinkish/brownish cere.
- have an English (larger) and "pet" variety
- require horizontal bars, plenty of perching to fufill climbing instincts
- enjoy and need plenty of behavioral enrichment via toys
- enjoy music/television when owner is away
- need coarse varied perching to keep nail length down, and nails may need trimming.
- need cuttlebone/lava rock/mineral block to wear beak down, and may require trimming.
- should be kept warm - (prefer 70 degrees and up) away from windows & drafts, but should not be in direct sunlight for prolonged amounts of time.
- may be kept in a secure cage outside if very warm out with little breeze and no rain (not reccomended)
- enjoy water for bathing and may also enjoy being 'misted' with water

Hm. Thats all thats coming to mind right now. I'll come back later if I think of anything else.
thanks!great info and great forum!
i might get one in a big cage so it can fly around my room when im grounded(every night)
Budgies are great little birds to have. I have four in a large cage. Their wings are clipped at the moment but I'm letting them grow out so they can fly from one end of the cage to the other. Right now they use the ladders and the bars of the cage to get to where they want. Mine are on a deit of seed, pellets, fruits and veggies. They like brocoli, apple, carrot and of course seed treats (such as millet spray and the bars of mixed seeds). Mine don't like any other veggies or fruit...I guess there just picky.
I think random has covered it all,
I'll just add that the word budgerigar is
an Australian Aboriginal word and it means
good eat :eek:
i would recommend getting a cockatiel rather than a budgie as they make less noise, less mess and are prettire and mine is really tame and can say "hey Up" LOL
Budgies are evil! Get a green cheek conure! :lol:

Sorry... i just personally hate budgies!! I find that noise they make incredibly annoying and they can be VERY moody and unpredictable! If you dont want a more 'parroty' bird (conures, hahns macaw etc) then id suggest a cockatiel :) I had a pair and they were very quiet and friendly :)
a cockatiel is very noisy, the male wen calling for a female is very loud much noisier than budgies.o and by the way that is a great web site.
:thumbs: If you get a baby budgie ,you can teach it to talk ,we had two that could say lots of things
My first pet was a bright yellow and green budgie named Peepers, he was a riot! He talked beautifully and was so full of personality. He could fly around and navigate the house like a pro, but spent most of his time riding our shoulders. They can be quite the chatterbox. In the evening if we wanted to watch a TV show in peace, we had to turn down the lights and cover his cage so he'd go to sleep and not compete with the TV. I have a cockatiel now, and while I feel she's more lovey dovey and affectionate than the parakeets I've had, I really miss the fun and comedic nature of keets too at times. Most tiels never master talking as well as a budgie and other parrots can too. My girl Dawn is a mute anyway :p.

RW provided a lot of nice basic info about them. I hope to have another budgie or perhaps a pair of them at some point. I used to watch my budgies for hours simply for entertainment :D
Yes, budgies do make quite a racket, but cockatiels (the males mostly) are A LOT louder. My family had one when I was four, and I can still hear it screaming away in my head!!! :rofl: I have a female cockatiel and she's really quiet though.
When I'm going to bed, practicly the second I turn off the lights, they shut right up. In the morning they start chirping away at about 7:00-7:30 which is fine on a school day, but on the weekends I want to sleep in! I've learned to sleep through it though. There not as loud as the larger parrots...which is good!!!
I have two birds, on is a Bourke Parakeet (larger then a buddie and better looking) and a Cockitiel, and let me tell you, when they get going, I have to crank up the surround sound to be able to hear te TV over them. They are both males and constantly whistle, chatter, and call to each other. We have them on both sides of the entertainment center because it actually keeps them from being as noisy. I have taught the Scooter (Bourke) to say "Ricky" (Cockatiel) and he calls for him all the time it is funny to watch Ricky look for him. Scooter is a riot when we let him out of the cage, he will run around on the ground with his head down and his tail straight in the air. Ricky will sit on the back ao the couch and pick at my GF necklace and fight with her over it.

I do have to say, the best way to keep your bird from getting aggressive when you put your hand in the cage is not to have a mirror in the cage with them, they think they are protecting the other bird from your hand, when we first got Ricky from our friend, he was like that until we removed the mirror, now he is a sweet as pie when you reach in to get him out.
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
i would recommend getting a cockatiel rather than a budgie as they make less noise, less mess and are prettire and mine is really tame and can say "hey Up" LOL
Why wopuld you want a quite bird? The whole reason for getting them is for their beuty and song. Thats what i thought anyways! :D

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