Royal plecos are quite rare and expensive. grab it while you can. clowns tend to be territorial like most plecos to other similar sized and shaped fish. galaxia pleco and peppermint are very nice attractions. most plecos are sy but get to know their surrounding after a couple of months and come out more imo
all love their veg, e.g Zucchini
Certain royals or 'panaques' are harder to obtain and rarer than others but the species the OP is probably able to get will be 190/191 which are very common and sell for very little nowadays. Although these with tollerate discus temps, it really is still a little on the warm side, the other factor would be diet.... discus as you know require a high protein based meat diet.... royals should be only fed it sparingly and as an occasional treat.... the main reason why i would say this isn't suitable for a discus setup. They also require wood within the tank and they make a huge amount of waste lol.
The L15 isn't a clown more often called candy stripe even though places still refer to them as clowns the species is different to what is traditionally know as a clown. L15 aren't overly aggressive but neither really are clowns (panaque maccus). This species wouldn't really be suitable for discus temps and there for wouldn't really be suitable long term
L30 is a lovely species, stays really small and would tollerate discus temps quite well... it should be fine with the food side of things but offering a varied diet is important as it is with all species of plec.
The galaxias, are we talking about L007?.... if so again we are struggling to keep it long term at discus temps, stunning fish that grows quite big, food again should be fine but varied veg matter should be offered just as much as meat alternative.
Really the only true suitable fish would be the L30.... theoretically all would work but they just wouldn't be in ideally conditions.