Info On Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2009
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Im thinking of buying some. My question is how many will fit in my empty 20g tank?
Also can people give me information on them. Food behaviour etc.
I have 10 Tiger Barbs in my 20 gal Long and they fit really nicely, id suggest a planted tank as the greens of the plants and the orange colors of the barbs look really nice.

I feed mind color enhancing flake food with shrimp pellets and frozen blood worms as a treat

Their temperament towards each other is fine as long as they are in a big enough group, id say no less then 5 preferably 8-10 for your size tank. In terms of other fish they may gang up on smaller fish so i would suggest that u only have the barbs in the tank with maybe some smaller catfish as my barbs did not bother my pictus catfish when they shared a tank. Also be sure there is plenty of cover for the barbs to swim through and also to break up lines of sight as this will reduce fin nipping a lot.

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