Info On These Guys :)

Liquid skills

Fish Herder
Aug 23, 2011
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on my computer
Hi guys i woul like to know the deal with these guys

Eg like diets
Meat eater or plant
Size etc
All info would be great as am considering getting some

Thanks. :)
Hi there which cories are you getting?

How big is the tank/parameters/inhabitants/substrate?

As for diet, most are find on sinking granules, sinking tablets, pellets, bloodworm as a treat etc. etc. They are mainly carniverous, but will occasionaly have a go at something vaguely vegetable.
Hhhhmmm i think it will be a no for these guys then if they are mainly carnivorus. They would go in my comunity tank

3ft b1ft by 1.5fthigh 140l

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm

The inhabitance is the problem as i have adf's in there :( oh well
I think nurglespuss just means they prefer meaty foods not eating other fish!! i have 6 corys in my community tank and they are completely friendly :good:
Right, cory don't eat other fish. They're about as mild-mannered as they get, but they do prefer meat in their diet. I do give mine vegetable tabs now and again which they really like.
Yes lol sorry if you thought I meant cities were fish eaters, lol


Thats what I get for using my smartphone and foruming while i should be listening ;p

the first post made complete sense though ;p (cities = cories)

I could not for the life of me figure out what you were talking about!!

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