Info on Red/Blue Columbian Tetras


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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Hi i have a well planted 4ft tank.

i currently have

3 x bristlenose plecos
5 x leopard corys

soon ill be getting

3 x blue rams

and i was wondering if the red/blue columbian tetra can live in my community

at the fish store they live with the blue rams

but other people tell me they are a bit agressive

so what should i do ???
I don't see why it should be a problem - any feistyness will be within their shoal, and they should completely ignore your other fish.
That's a busy bottom part of the tank you have there with 3 BNs and 5 Corys!

I'd stick to two Rams if I were you, they seem to do better in pairs.
Just buying two rams is very risky though, unless you're sure they're a pair.

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