New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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i am new to fish keeping and need some info on mollies . i brought 2 dalmatian mollies home 3 days ago and the female has gave birth to around 20 children. do i catch them and isolate them from other fish or leave them in the vegetation in the tank? also need to know if mollies come to the surface for air like bettas.
Righty oh, firstly congrats on your babies...

Secondly, yes it is advisable to seperate the fry from the adult mollies, because to the adults the fry will be a quick snack. A breeding trap is good for raising fry ;)

Secondly, if there is not enough oxygen in the water, the fish will come to the surface in order to take on the amount of oxygen they require, if you wish to stop them doing this, add a air pump and try and rise the oxygen content within the water...

Others good luck with you new fry, and i hope things work out for ya
thanks for the quick response zenn. much appreciated.
also need to know if mollies come to the surface for air like bettas.
My mollies go to the surface quite a bit and hang out up there a lot. My parameters are all fine so I guess it's normal for mollies. :dunno:
my mollies do it as well, I have a bubble wand so the oxygen in the water is good.

also mine like to hang out on top of the filter, haven't a clue on that one :dunno:

kiss kiss :wub:

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