Info On Marine


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
hi, could someone tell me how much it would cost to set up a 400 litre marine tank, not including the tank price :D . Could someone also tell me the cost of a nano reef including tank (not including fish inverts on both) . Thanks
Its a impossible to say. It all depends on what level of equipment you want, e.g. 2x t8 tubes or 2x250watt halides ( £60 or £600).

It would be best to know what you want to keep, soft corals and fish etc then work from there. Its also the little thing that add up to make life easy, auto top up etc.

My $10g nano easily has me over $600 now, I stopped counting a long time ago. With marines, there's substantial cost even after the initial setup as you continue to add in fish and coral. Just the other week I spent $50 on 3 pieces of coral.

The biggest single cost is going to be your live rock. You need 1-2lbs per gallon at approx $7/lb if you get cured LR.
The costs I have worked out for my 18" nano cube are about £400 including everything bar the fish and will get me a setup that will support several fish and soft corals.
ITs hard to give an completely accurate estimation. With my 33gallon tank, I just finished with live rock, I have about 36 pounds at 10 bucks a pound...Basically what I do with my tank is don't even bother counting how mcuh I takes the fun away :p but yeah tell us what you wanna keep including, types of fish, types of inverts and we'll help you out

well price wise, my setup is a 50 gallon tank.The equipment and tank only cost around £5000.

WoW that must be some system you have there JOhn! Have we seen a piccy of your tank? If not then post a few, i would love to see that setup. My 220 gallon is not even quarter of that price :lol:
John do you have everything?

My 12 gallon cost me 700 USD, however I did set up a mantis tank for 70, so it all depends really
I have no camera at the moment, i do have pictures of the tank on another form.
Alot of the equipment came from my previous tank which was a 6x2x2. It is only a 50 gallon but there is a Giesemann 400w halide, Teco RA680 chiller, Deltec AP850 skimmer etc. It soon adds up

Yeah tell me about it.. as time passes you collect a few bitrs here and there and suddenly someone like the good lady wife will add it all up and slap the figure in front your face :eek: :crazy: :S :*)
Very impressive sps tank you have there :drool:

A credit to you. :thumbs:

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