info on ghost shrimp

they are very adaptable, the will tolerate between 65 and 85 degrees f ,they need hiding places for when they molt and real plants are much better for them than plastic. they will eat algae and bits of leftover food ,but dont think they will clean your tank, they are no subsitute for catfish or loachs, any mid swimmers bigger than 2 and a half inches will eat them, and any barbs or chilards will too.

unless you have a lot of them there is no need to add them to your bio-load as they wont effect much at all, size of the tank isnt very important either as long as they have places to hide.
Robbo851 said:
they will eat algae and bits of leftover food ,but dont think they will clean your tank, they are no subsitute for catfish or loachs, any mid swimmers bigger than 2 and a half inches will eat them, and any barbs or chilards will too.
Ghost shrimp are mainly used as feeders thus the usual low cost (some places sell for 10 for a $1, I paid 29 cent each for mine). They DO NOT eat algae (maybe very, very small amounts if not fed) but are scavengers along the line of corys. they do a pretty good job of eating leftover food and as mentioned don't really create much of a bio load so you can put several in without a problem. I only have 2 in with tetras and corys and they get along fine. If you want shrimp that eat algae, you will have to go with something along the lines of amano shrimp.
They are not hardy when it comes to the water quality. If your tank does not fluctuate, they should be fine.
You will need to have somewhere for them to molt at (a cave where where fish can't get to them). Most of mine mine have died bc they molted and the fish got to them. I'd find soft shrimp dead in the tank. Otherwise, I've found them to be trouble free and pretty cool to look at. And at the cheap price, you can afford to replace them when they die.
Whatever you do DO NOT put salt in with them. A lot of salt will kill them quickly, a little will cause a long, slow, torturous death. I thought that mine were doing fine with a teensy bit of salt until I noticed that their eyes/exoskeletons were turning an opaque color and they couldn't see anything. :blink: The do a great job of cleaning up leftover food if you have enough of them. (I'd say at least 1 for every 2 gallons.) :thumbs:
My fish love to eat them, as do both of my ACFs. I went and bought 50 today, 20 for the 10 gal (there will be considerably less come morning), 5 for each for my 3 gal Betta homes (3 of them) and seven in each of the frog tanks...yes, there is one missing...he jumped and the cat munched him up. They're fun for the whole family! xD

I get mine, 10 for 1.99 or 50 for 6.99. Not a bad price, right?

Dead useful too, eat up anything that gets in the gravel and makes vacuming the tank suprisingly easy. =3 I was pleasantly suprised when I cleaned mine up last week, far less mess than normal. (My apple snail is a poop machine too oO so I was double shocked.)
evofish said:
£3.50 each at my lfs and there tiny!
That is terribly expensive. Are you sure those aren't amano shrimp? That would be a reasonable price for algae eating shrimp.
Here where I live, Ghost's cost 5.99 a dozen!!!
And Amano's cost 5.99 a piece!!!!!!

Although superpet sells their amano's for a buck a peice, but thats way more than what I've seen you guys post!

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