Info About Turtles


New Member
Apr 17, 2009
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i went to the shop to busy 5 tropical fish for my i payed for them i saw a fish tank with turtles for £18.95.
my mom said my bedroom was quiet empty coz i only have furniture and tropical fish tank.she said for my b-day
she would get me a fish tank with 2 musk turtles but i would have to do all the setting only age 10.she said i would only get them if i found out how to properly look after them and keep them healthy.i need help on the feeding,lighting,heating,filtering and decor.give me pictures of urs aswell.thanx

plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they need to be in a tank themselves, with both under water and surface acess, the light must produce heat, or the room warm so it can be warm enough for them when they surface.

but anything else depends on the species- do you know what species they are, or even if they are terrapins rather than turtles?
Agreed, you really need to find out what species they are as they can greatly vary in size.

Musk Turtles would be your best bet if you can find them, these stay relatively small and are reasonably easy to care for, once you have the right setup :good:
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First of all, whoa! A fishkeeper younger than me? (i'm 13, been in these forums since i was 12.)
And second, I believe a 20-30g would fit two musks. Safe side, 30gallons. (What i've been told, since I once wanted two musks)

Also, like the others said. You also have to find out what kind of musk it is. The common, stinkpots, loggerheads, etc.
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First of all, whoa! A fishkeeper younger than me? (i'm 13, been in these forums since i was 12.)
And second, I believe a 20-30g would fit two musks. Safe side, 30gallons. (What i've been told, since I once wanted two musks)

Also, like the others said. You also have to find out what kind of musk it is. The common, stinkpots, loggerheads, etc.
well it is a common musk u have an aquarium? i do.i started it at the age of 9 +im nearly 11 with 28 fish.:)
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First of all, whoa! A fishkeeper younger than me? (i'm 13, been in these forums since i was 12.)
And second, I believe a 20-30g would fit two musks. Safe side, 30gallons. (What i've been told, since I once wanted two musks)

Also, like the others said. You also have to find out what kind of musk it is. The common, stinkpots, loggerheads, etc.
well it is a common musk u have an aquarium? i do.i started it at the age of 9 +im nearly 11 with 28 fish.:)

Same here.. Except I started with a betta.. LOL.

I went frmo 9-10 with a betta, took a little break after he died. :crazy: Darn, The temperature dropped way too low.
10 and a half? - 11 I regained strength, got a 5gal tropical. Of course I just started tropics, so I got some little guys. :) Shrimps. Frogs. etc. :)
Yeah, 12 and a half - now 29gal, 30gal. :) Trying out different fishes, crays, turtles, amphibians! :)

Commons grow, I think 4" - 5". (Anyone could help out, please do. Much appreciated. :))
a 30 - 40 could support two? I think the rules 1" on the shell per 10 gal. (What i've been told when I tried for turtles. :))
Turtles are great, I had my first two at age 10, sadly mine died but my friends were ok and I have been looking after them for the last 10 years and they are nearly 30.

This link will tell you lots of info on musk (stinkpot) turtles. If you are short of space male missippi map turtles dont grow as big as musk (about 6-8")
Turtles are great, I had my first two at age 10, sadly mine died but my friends were ok and I have been looking after them for the last 10 years and they are nearly 30.

This link will tell you lots of info on musk (stinkpot) turtles. If you are short of space male missippi map turtles dont grow as big as musk (about 6-8")

this is a link to the forum my girlfriend is on as she's got an adult female yellow belly slider turtle.
hope this helps
jay :good:

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