Inflamed Gills


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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My betta's gills are swollen and won't close. I thought he was dead this morning. He won't eat. I put him in a bowl (for fresh water) and gave him some Maracyn. I tested his 5 gallon tank and the ammonia levels are fine and the nitrite level is a tiny bit above 0. Is there anything else I can do for him?
Dont worry about him not eating just now, just concentrate on clean warm water.
could be gill worms, what colour are the insides of the gills? normal gill colour is cherry red.
Looking hard enough you might see the red worms inside the gills.
black angel said:
Dont worry about him not eating just now, just concentrate on clean warm water.
could be gill worms, what colour are the insides of the gills? normal gill colour is cherry red.
Looking hard enough you might see the red worms inside the gills.

They are red but he is typically a red color. I don't see any worms. What are his chances of surviving? He looks like he is having trouble breathing when he takes in air from the top. The kind of coughs out a bubble. It's breaking my heart :(

Also, is there such thing as giving TOO much maracyn? The packet says to dump in a 10 gallon tank but I took him out of his 5 gallon tank and into a 1/2 gallon bowl so it's hard to determine the dosage. I'm afraid I've been giving him too little.
Check your ammonia and nitrite levels as well, just to rule out any poisoning.
I dont think its anything bacterial which i believe maracyn treats.
I would stop the maracyn and start him on something for parasites.
One tablespoon of salt to the gallon, half an hour but start of gradually, you will need to do 3 aday, if he starts rollling upside down and freaking out, remove him good luck.
One last question. My tank and fish are at work. I'm afraid he will die by tomorrow. Would it be worth the stress of taking him on a 5 mile drive home?

Thanks for all your help guys!
one and a half teaspoons of aquarium salt per gallon ( i use a bucket and use temp matched water and a tiny bit of dechlorinator) and let the fish swim for 10 minutes. Keep a close eye on the fish and if it rolls or stops moving take it out. Do this for three days and see if it helps.

You do use dechlorinator dont you?
Should be ok to bring home, but put in a small container with a good lid on.

Wilder, we seem to have differences about salt baths. A tablespoon is the equivalent to 3 teaspoons which may be a bit strong to put a fish straight into, especially one whose gills are sore.
I do use a water conditioner that detoxifies tap water and breaks down chloramines.

Only leave him the salt water for 10 minutes, then put him back in his regular tank?

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