Inflamed abdomen?


Fish Addict
Jul 21, 2002
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One of my Head & Tail Lights has got a problem.
I noticed this within the last week or so.  At first, it looked like his stomach was kinda pink, but then I thought maybe it was nothing, maybe just the light shining through him.  Anyway, this evening I noticed that it was still there, but also that part of him seemed to be missing.  It's between his middle and back lower fins, with kind of a wedge (larger toward the back) into his body, but not affecting the rear fin.  

Funny thing is, he's still swimming & feeding.  When I approach the tank to look at him, he came right out and swam around.  (Note: the other H&TL came and chased him and it occurred to me maybe he bit him.  But it looks like something inside him is inflamed, so I would guess that would prob. be the more likely cause.)  So, by the way he acts, you'd think there was nothing wrong with him, but obviously there is.

Should I try to find some of that Melafix, if we have it?  Since he's still eating, medicated food?  I hate to dose him if I don't know what it is, or how serious yet.  Never had much luck with sick fish. :(

Any thoughts appreciated.  

15gal tank
pH - 7.0
A   -  0
Nit -  0
KH - 2deg
GH - 8deg

Last water change:  08-17-02, approx. 30%, w/Aquasafe

Tankmates:  1/H&TL, 2/Black Phantom tetras, 2/Ulrey's tetras, and 1/Peckoltia
Upon closer exam., it seems to be on his left side. From other side looks pink w/ the piece missing. On the left, looks like scales, poss. tissue, missing.
Reg How bads the swelling? It could be anything from a bite like you sugested to a parastite. Had a quick look but can't find anything simillar. I'll go digest my new fish health book and see what I can come up with. It' would be an idea to put the fish into a hospital tank though. as the fish seems ok apart from the "bite" I'll not post any meds till I've checked some things. I'll post back l8r tonight.
I talked to a few people and they have no clue. I will keep looking too.

Well, he's in the hosp. tank. (After stressing him (and me) out trying to catch him with the little net, I finally pulled out Mr. P's net (only been used once) and got him, no prob.) Anyway, he looks ok now (not stressed, that is), 'cept he's alone.

Went to LFS to pick up some airline, and asked the owner his opinion. He said sounded like prob a bite to him, and that pretty soon everybody would be nipping at him, and that I should treat his water with antibiotic, any antibiotic. Bought some tetracycline, though not sure if I was gonna use it.

Adeyc, there's no swelling, maybe inflammation was wrong word? I meant reddish. It looks more like an erosion, I think.
But could be a bite, I guess, but kinda big for my fish, maybe the adult tetra, but he seems pretty peaceable. I dunno.

At any rate, it's an open wound. The tetracycline lists that on the package. What about Kanacyn? I've got an old pack here, that lists hemorrhage and red body patches. But then, there's so many med's out there... That Melafix (Rose, have you heard of it?) that I read about here, all-natural, right? Is it supposed to promote healing? Or is that just if they seem a little off?

Well, I guess I'll let him get used to the tank tonight...
Yes I have heard of it and have used it on occasion with great success. There is no scientific data to back up it's claims but it's always a rout to go. I have 2 adult Pearl gouramies that had no fins or feelers and multiple bits along the body (long story as to why) and all I used was Melafix and water changes ever day for a month. If you look at them now you would never know that they were on deaths door at one point. I think that if you can do that for a bit you may beable to get away with just using melafix. However if a infection sets in you will need to use Maracyn and Maracyn2 to treat the infection. We can up those doses if needed but check with me or Adeyc first before you up the M/M2 doses if you need to use them at all. Rose
Reg "Melafix" is basicly tea tree iol, a nautural antiseptic and promoter of health. Not sur how exactly they go about making the stuff but it'll be tree oil in a solution. The stuffs good for a lot of ailments.
Finished first round of treatment, and changed 25% water per instructions. I'll prob. start another round tomorrow.

The other day, I caught him takin' a poop. Wasn't sure if it was at first (it's where his wound is). Come to think though, that it was pretty dark. That mean anything to anybody? Prob. not, just occurred to me, it might.

As for infection, what should I be looking for?
dark poop is fine. as for infection stringy white poop, fuzz, spots, among many others. If your not sure post and we can deal from there. As long as he's eating and pooping and not hidding, doing his normal every day stuff I'd say he's not sick or aware of the fact that he is. It could very well heal up on it's own....I've had many a fish do this and be just fine.
Ok, now I'm a bit worried. He's hanging out at the top of the tank. Don't think he's eating (and not sure he did yesterday). There does seem to be some white in/around the wound. Could this be re-growth? Or fungus?

When I changed the water, I used only about 25% fresh, and the rest from main tank (which is actually due for cleaning). I figured the parameters might be more stable. But now, I'm thinking maybe also have more pathogens, etc.?
Couple hrs later, his nose tipped toward the top. Ran carbon to clear Melafix. Added AntiBacteria (antibiotic). After couple min.'s, righted himself. Hour later, found him at mid-tank level (like normal). But shortly, he began to lose his equilibrium. He didn't make it.

I think I should've added antibiotic right away.

It seems the water change is what threw him off.

(Or, possibly the antibiotic.)

Any thoughts?
Reg, the white growth was probably infection. In hindsight the antibiotic might have helped if started earlier. But you know what they say about hindsight.

Keep an eye on your remaining H&T, if he doesn't school with anyone, you may have to get him a friend or two.

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