

New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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:huh: ive just purchased a tropical 3ft aquarium and have set everything up today but i am having a few teething problems.

-my water seems cloudy i dont think i washed the gravel for long enough will this affect the maturing process.

-i have a tronic heater and i dont know what temp the water should be. Does this depend on the fish kept?
There are no markings on the adjustment for the temp so you cant tell what temp its running at.

-do i just leave everything running ie filter pump and heater for a few weeks but keep monitoring the water condition?

i would appreciate any comments
ive just purchased a tropical 3ft aquarium and have set everything up today but i am having a few teething problems.
Welcome to this great and addicting hobby.

-my water seems cloudy i dont think i washed the gravel for long enough will this affect the maturing process.

How long has the tank been set up? It could be high params or if it's just the first few days it is the gravel. The gravel won't slow down the cycle at all.

-i have a tronic heater and i dont know what temp the water should be. Does this depend on the fish kept?
There are no markings on the adjustment for the temp so you cant tell what temp its running at.
Not sure what type of heater that is, but I can say that most heaters that come with setups are worthless. I would keep that as an emergency backup and get the best quality heater you can. The heater is responsible for many deaths in this hobby and not something to be skimped on. I would suggest a submersable one.

-do i just leave everything running ie filter pump and heater for a few weeks but keep monitoring the water condition?

Leave everything running.

What type of filtration do you have?
same thing happened to me! if u don't have fish in it. just empty the tank and clean the gravel really well. use a collinder and clean the filter and then start'er up again and if it's anything like mine the water will clear up......mine was white cloud and it didn't clear up in 2 weeks so i restarted and everything is ok and clear
Sorry to go against what you say canis_lupus, as your opinion is as good as mine, but I don't recommend taking all the water out. The filtration will take the cloudiness out.

Taking all the water out and starting over means you have to start the cycle all over again.

I don't mean any disrespect at all, and this is only my opinion, so you could be correct and I could be wrong here but it's just what I would do. :)
canis_lupus said:
no that's cool but if they don't have fish and haven't had any then the cycling wouldn't have started would it? :S
You're correct, but I always do a fishless cycle and when I read posts that's the first thing that comes to my mind right off.

It's a habit I need to break, and like I said, you could be correct. :)

If it is gravel tho, it will clear up before the cycle is over.

You brought up a good point that I should have asked tho about "how" it's being cycled. Thank you for helping me and pointing that out.

Thank you for not taking offense, either way. :)
The water cloudiness is very normal it will happen whenever you change ur water. Its just a bacteria boom all the good stuff like multiplys. :p ;) Its a good thing u started this great hobby.

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