

Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2005
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San DIego
Well, "Tony Stewart", the sailfin molly in my avatar, is on his way to aquarium heaven. He is about 2 years old or so. He had a fungus infection a couple weeks ago. I lost 2 fish from it. But I treated the fish and all but Tony recovered. The infection stopped progressing, but he never healed. He has been hanging at the heater for 2 days. Now hes at the bottom in a good hiding spot almost on his side. I dont think he will benifit from any more treatment but I thought Id post anyway. When he does go, most likely tonight, he will be buried. Not flushed. At my house, that is a special honor for fish. Only one fish has been buried since i started keeping tanks. :-(
That's really special that you bury him. Really sad. I get so attached to fish if I have them for 1 day, I can't imagine 2 years.
I havent had him for two years. Just under 1. But his previous owner had him for a while.
Poor Tony's headed for the big checkered flag in the sky. Sorry. :( I'm battling Ich in my big tank and lost two fish this weekend. It sucks.
I called it. Time of death: 8:43 pm PST. Man this really sucks. all attached and bumbed about something as small as a fish. Just something about raising any animal and the desire for them to thrive.

edit: whoa, as i went to net him out, he took off like crazy barrel rolling across the tank. then setteled back down at the bottome again. weird. i guess ill watch him for a bit longer.....
I bury all my fish in plant pots or near plants, they help the growth of the plant and give the fish a new life.
i like to think of it as the white water rapid ride to fish heaven...oh wait, you buried it.
sorry about the fish

but really you should never flush fish down the toilet (there are lots of reasons for this)

sorry about the fish though.
i'm feeling a bit depressed too, I have one sick Ram, who doesnt look good, I lost 1 platy over the weekend, and today something has attacked my guppies, one of which is already dead & the survivor is rather damaged. I felt pretty sad too. :sad: & for a few seconds I felt like giving up my fish keeping.

by the way i've buried most of mine, but its been getting a bit crowed out there of late ! and I have to mark them with sea shells so I don't dig them up again when I plant bulbs ! LOL


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