Indoor Ponds


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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So yesterday I saw an indoor pond for the first time and it was so cool. It was build out of rocks, it was quite big and even had a large waterfall. All really looked so natural, and around the pond there were a lot of plants and it was really cool to watch. There were some goldfish in there too - and they really had a lot of space to swimm in there :)
The filter was hidden from view by some rocks and plants and you couldn't even hear it (I tought that pond filter are always loud) - you just hear the waterfall...

So it made me think I want to have one as well :) (not right now, but in the future...)

What do you think does it take to build an indoor pond like that? How much do you think it would cost to maintain it? I don't mind if the initial investment is a bit high, but would not like the maintaning cost to be to expensive....

Does anyone on here have an indoor pond? Any pics? :)
I have seen ponds set up under an outdoor cover to keep the direct sunlight off of them.

Where did you see it?

When I'm a grown up (have a house) I want an outdoor pond, half covered and half raised with a low section next to it so I can have a window into the pond and see my fish. (a bit like a sealife centre!)

Only indoor pond setup Ive seen was in an aquatics store. Maidenhead aquatics on North orbital road (london) have one - only about a foot deep tho.
A garden centre near me (Mill garden centre - Chesterfield) has 2 indoor koi/goldfish ponds that are easily 4ft deep I would guess.

On another popular fish keeping site (MFK) theres a subsection devoted to indoor ponds that should be useful to look at if you're interested in one or just want to see pictures. Unfortunately MFK seems to be down at the moment so I can't give you a link, but if you go there it should be easy enough to find (Main index -> Ponds -> Indoor ponds if I remember rightly).
Also, if you Google "Indoor Ponds" you will find a vast array of websites that discuss this and even a couple of videos (one on Youtube) showing how to build one.

You often see these indoor ponds in hotels. I remember a beautiful one at a hotel in the Lake District. It wasn't very deep from what I can remember, but was very attractively done with plants, pebbles and waterfall, surrounded by a little wall that you could sit on to watch the fish.

You have to be very careful though, as things can fall into the pond...for example, I was sitting on the little wall watching the fish when one very drunken chap came tumbling towards me, tripped and went head first into the pond! Completely knocked himself out! Thankfully no fish were harmed as far as management could see. Small children are also in danger of falling into ponds.

Other than the safety issues - they look great if you have room for one!

There was one at the hotel I stayed at in Lanzarote. It was great to sit and watch when the adults were dealing with things. It even had a terrapin in it!

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