Indonesian Datnoid


Moved On
Nov 15, 2004
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Can i keep a single indonesian datnoid in a 55 gallon tank. Also is there any smaller datnoids that i cna if i cant get an indo? Please answer.
No, I wouldn't reccomend it. They all get to about 1' (if I remeber corectly), and wouldn't be comfortable in there for life.
actually i think thye thinbars get 12" i just looked it up. They grow really slow though so i thought it would b okay and i dont think they are active. Please correct me if i am spewing complete bs right now.
I'm cunfused 12" is 1' ;) , CFC will see this , I'm sure he'll answer your question .
A 55g is just about big enough for a single Dat, they can grow up to 15 inches but in most cases 10" is a good size.
well i will be looking for a quadrafasciatus which only gets to 12". I wouldnt consider putting anything bigger in.

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