Fish Addict
Hi all,
These are my two tanks. First is a 4footx1.5footx2foot, 340L (90USG), which is my main display tank. And there is also my 40L (10USG), which is my shrimp tank, and fry tank .
Wanted to show a friend these, but thought id show everyone at the same time And without further a due, i bring to you. My tanks :
4 Footer Full Shot:
4 Footer Left Side:
4 Footer Middle Area:
4 Footer Right Side:
Inside The Cabinet:
One Of My Bristlenoses, mother (i think) of the fry in my other tank. Father is sitting on fry in cave at the moment . By the way, is her colour pattern normal for a common BN? She has some spots, but those patches dont disappear... When she is stressed she goes ALOT more patchy (when lights come on):
My Shrimp Tank, Also has a few guppy fry and BN fry in there:
A Few Shrimp (Cherry Red Shrimp only for now. Looking to expand though):
One Of MANY Young Females:
Two Foot (20USG/80L), My First Tank (Upgraded to 4 foot though):
I wish i had a more recent picture of this, it grew out VERY VERY nicely. Almost completely filled hte tank with plants every week before my trim Great little tank.
Anyway, some specs:
4 Foot Tank:
The sump is 3 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot i think, never really measured it. It has a 4000L/H pump, bio balls, sponge pad, wool/floss, bio noodles, think thats all of it. Have a "durso standpipe" to minimise noise, only hear the dang air pump now.
About 1watt per gallon of light, will upgrade to just about 2wpg very soon (havnt had time to upgrade, studying for exams for university). No co2. Has anyone ever tried to do DIY co2 for a 340L tank?
Plants List:
A few bunches of hygrophellia
A couple of wisteria bunches
Some thin vall.
A bunch of baby tears (sold to me as this)
Java fern bunches on mopani wood and gold vine wood
Anubias on mopani wood
Java moss on gold vine wood
Fontinallis on gold vine wood
A tiny bit of riccia (came with my shrimp lol) on gold vine wood
Some Giant Ambulia
I think thats it... Probably forgot something
Stock List:
6 x Veiltail Angelfish
10 or so x Assorted Guppies (Male and Females)
2 x Bolivian Rams (Male and Female)
3 x Bristlenoses (Albino Male, 2 Common Females)
1 x Sword Tail (Fry my aunt gave me, about 3cm roughly)
2 x Bronze Cories (Breeders at one point... And only once...)
1 x Molly (Aunt gave me it when she took down her tank, not really a fan of it)
2 x Leopard Danios (Male and Female)
1 x Whiptail Catfish (I think its a red tail lizard, L010A) (Want more, but not much like finding any)
Probably forgetting a few fish, but thats all i can think of for now.
40L Shrimp Tank:
Has a 40Gallon filter on it (over kill i know lol, but it was laying around from the old tank). 1.8watts per gallon of light. a bunch of java fern, one stem of baby tears (sold to me as that lol, i like hte look of it). Java moss tied to some wood. Fontinallis tied to some more wood.
Stock List:
100 x Red Cherry Shrimp (About 20 full grown adults, About 50 younger adults, About 30 young shrimplettes. Am selling all but the full grown adults, and will be getting some Crystal Red Shrimp hopefully.)
20 x Guppy Fry (roughly, about 4 weeks old now. Starting to show some colours)
40 x Bristlenose Fry (rough estimation. about 4 weeks or so old now also. About 2cm size now)
Ok, thats it for now. Sorry for the huge post
Any comments, or suggestions for the tank, Please let me know
These are my two tanks. First is a 4footx1.5footx2foot, 340L (90USG), which is my main display tank. And there is also my 40L (10USG), which is my shrimp tank, and fry tank .
Wanted to show a friend these, but thought id show everyone at the same time And without further a due, i bring to you. My tanks :
4 Footer Full Shot:
4 Footer Left Side:
4 Footer Middle Area:
4 Footer Right Side:
Inside The Cabinet:
One Of My Bristlenoses, mother (i think) of the fry in my other tank. Father is sitting on fry in cave at the moment . By the way, is her colour pattern normal for a common BN? She has some spots, but those patches dont disappear... When she is stressed she goes ALOT more patchy (when lights come on):
My Shrimp Tank, Also has a few guppy fry and BN fry in there:
A Few Shrimp (Cherry Red Shrimp only for now. Looking to expand though):
One Of MANY Young Females:
Two Foot (20USG/80L), My First Tank (Upgraded to 4 foot though):
I wish i had a more recent picture of this, it grew out VERY VERY nicely. Almost completely filled hte tank with plants every week before my trim Great little tank.
Anyway, some specs:
4 Foot Tank:
The sump is 3 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot i think, never really measured it. It has a 4000L/H pump, bio balls, sponge pad, wool/floss, bio noodles, think thats all of it. Have a "durso standpipe" to minimise noise, only hear the dang air pump now.
About 1watt per gallon of light, will upgrade to just about 2wpg very soon (havnt had time to upgrade, studying for exams for university). No co2. Has anyone ever tried to do DIY co2 for a 340L tank?
Plants List:
A few bunches of hygrophellia
A couple of wisteria bunches
Some thin vall.
A bunch of baby tears (sold to me as this)
Java fern bunches on mopani wood and gold vine wood
Anubias on mopani wood
Java moss on gold vine wood
Fontinallis on gold vine wood
A tiny bit of riccia (came with my shrimp lol) on gold vine wood
Some Giant Ambulia
I think thats it... Probably forgot something
Stock List:
6 x Veiltail Angelfish
10 or so x Assorted Guppies (Male and Females)
2 x Bolivian Rams (Male and Female)
3 x Bristlenoses (Albino Male, 2 Common Females)
1 x Sword Tail (Fry my aunt gave me, about 3cm roughly)
2 x Bronze Cories (Breeders at one point... And only once...)
1 x Molly (Aunt gave me it when she took down her tank, not really a fan of it)
2 x Leopard Danios (Male and Female)
1 x Whiptail Catfish (I think its a red tail lizard, L010A) (Want more, but not much like finding any)
Probably forgetting a few fish, but thats all i can think of for now.
40L Shrimp Tank:
Has a 40Gallon filter on it (over kill i know lol, but it was laying around from the old tank). 1.8watts per gallon of light. a bunch of java fern, one stem of baby tears (sold to me as that lol, i like hte look of it). Java moss tied to some wood. Fontinallis tied to some more wood.
Stock List:
100 x Red Cherry Shrimp (About 20 full grown adults, About 50 younger adults, About 30 young shrimplettes. Am selling all but the full grown adults, and will be getting some Crystal Red Shrimp hopefully.)
20 x Guppy Fry (roughly, about 4 weeks old now. Starting to show some colours)
40 x Bristlenose Fry (rough estimation. about 4 weeks or so old now also. About 2cm size now)
Ok, thats it for now. Sorry for the huge post
Any comments, or suggestions for the tank, Please let me know