Indian Fern Over Run!


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Plants: Indian fern
Quantity for sale: 3 lots 10 plantlets per lot
Delivery or Collection: either
Sales price: £4
Postage & Packaging: inc 1st class recorded

Upon clearing the big mess my indian fern became i found a lot of smaller plants. I have it floating in my tank. I basically started with a few plants the same size as these from some one on here. They have grown fantasticly. Pics arent great as my camera is playing up.

One main plant floating


One of the plantlets


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Itr grown very easy, i got the 5 plantlets end of jan and it its about a foot diameter, i dose ferts so grown bit faster but should grow well without! Can keep you some for couple weeks until a bit bigger?
Shame you didn't list these earlier I might be interested! What are they like with flow? Ie - the flow from the APS filter? Because my spray bar is all across the tank and so there's very strong surface flow everywhere. If it doesn't like flow it's no good.
Yeah can do 5!

I have the aps but spray bar is only over half, they stay in the end where there is less flow. So i couldnt really say how they would be! Sorry.
I also only decided today i needed to clear them im very sorry! Lol
Shame you didn't list these earlier I might be interested! What are they like with flow? Ie - the flow from the APS filter? Because my spray bar is all across the tank and so there's very strong surface flow everywhere. If it doesn't like flow it's no good.

If i'd have known you wanted some you could have taken some for free when you were over today.
Shame you didn't list these earlier I might be interested! What are they like with flow? Ie - the flow from the APS filter? Because my spray bar is all across the tank and so there's very strong surface flow everywhere. If it doesn't like flow it's no good.

If i'd have known you wanted some you could have taken some for free when you were over today.

:lol: sods law aint it! Never mind. :rolleyes:

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