Indian Dwarf Puffer


Fish Crazy
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
California, USA
So i just saw these little guys down at the lfs. i am aware of how aggressive puffers are but they seem alot smaller. could they live in a heavily planted 45 gallon tank with guppies and feather fin rainbows? (i ask about those two because of their fins.) the only other fish would be small tetra
I think the Puffer will probably nip at all your fish. Heavily planted tank will give the puffer more chance to sneak up on them. In my experience, I didnt really find them aggressive, just really nippy. They usually retreat if they're target won't put up with them and chase them back. I kept puffers with guppies n rainbowfish...unsuccessful. But I have some spare tanks so i can transfer them just in case.

German Blue Ram "might" be OK though, not too sure.
The answer to your question is a big fat NO!!!

IME (I have kept them for years) DP's should be kept as species only.
The exception in some cases are having Ottos in with them and Amano shrimp.

They are great fish to keep. Full of energy!

Worth keeping 2 females per male remember!

Here is my old breeding pair:
thats too bad but basically what i was expecting. thanks for the help!

Also what is the smallest size tank for them?
Probably 10 gallons for a pair minimum.

Theyre known to kill fish much bigger than them by nipping at them to death. I tried my 5" spiny eel, rainbowfish, Bettas, barbs, guppies, balloon mollies, swordtails, bichirs, bumblebee catfish...none worked. In my experience the only one that did really well was Siamese algae eater, not a torn fin from my Pea Puffer. It was even nipping at my Oto cats. I guess people have different experience. But I would really suggest species only tank

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