Indian almond leaf

can anyone tell me if anyof these almond products can be bought in england? I have tried to breed previously with no success and wish to try again but with difference. cheers natalie :cool:
oh and in my other tank i got:

various shrimp
apple snails
ramhorn snails
MTS snails
5 asian rummynose tetras
2 killi fish
few dwarf corydoras and hastatus

any idea?

thanks if your reading my babble :p :D
i'm looking for some of these leaves i did see some on ebay a few times in britain i duno if their still on though.

cheers for the article i'm going to use the advise :good:
i'm looking for some of these leaves i did see some on ebay a few times in britain i duno if their still on though.

cheers for the article i'm going to use the advise :good:
I can sort you some leaves out if you still want them, PM me with the number of leaves you want and I'll see if I can sort you out.
I just purchased a product called "Attison's Betta SPA" and added it to my 5 gallon Betta tank when I transfered him. I didn't know it had medicinal properties and I treated him with Bettafix last night for fin rot. Can I still treat him? Also, you're not supposed to keep them in the Betta SPA water?? It gives 2 dosages, 1 for conditioning the water, which I just did, and the other for maintenance such as replacing some during water changes. It didn't mention being harmful if being kept it there all the time.

P.S. The Betta SPA is the same thing mentioned on this thread, and you can buy it at
The conditioning on the bottle actually means conditioning the fish not the water, use the lower dose for general use and the higher when conditioning for breading. I use melafix at the same time, bettafix is melafix but at a lower concentration
Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up! :blush: I didn't realize I have to use so much of the Bettafix. Since he's in a 5 gallon tank, I have to use 2 1/2 teaspoons a day. But, if I don't have carbon running that means the concentrations are being pushed up each day. It says not to change the water for 7 days during use, so that means by the end of 7 days he'll have about 17 1/2 teaspoons of Bettafix in his water. Wouldn't that be harmful? The bottle says it only treats up to 15 gallons, so I'll have to buy another bottle of it day after tomorrow. Is there a better medication I could use? If I use Melafix, would I just use half the dosage then? And would I use that with Pimafix? Or should I just get a different med all together? I have ParaGuard on hand, should I go back to using that after I run out of Bettafix?
That sounds like way to much with melafix its a few drops Post in the emergency or betta section rather than the FAQ more people will see this there
Back to the Betta SPA. Is ok to use it after every water change? Or is that too much? Do you know how often it should be used?
The leaves can be bought cheaply from Singapore, just type amond ketapang leaves into your search engine, they are really cheap, alternatively if you want to pay that bit more go to plymouthdiscus website where they are on there too.

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