Indian Almond Leaf


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2006
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Well i made the mistake you could say, of showing my dad the prices of IAL on the net. And seeing the amount of Almond Leaf available here and how easy it is to grow, he want to start selling them. Now i know there's no way we could make a profit but once his mind's set on something there's no stopping him. So How much would you pay for amond leaf? I know the shipping proces fromhere for 10 leaves would be rediculous, but he says we could sell in bulk too suppliers in the states. We have lots of land that can be used potentially so do you think it could be a profitable venture or a waste of time?
Well i made the mistake you could say, of showing my dad the prices of IAL on the net. And seeing the amount of Almond Leaf available here and how easy it is to grow, he want to start selling them. Now i know there's no way we could make a profit but once his mind's set on something there's no stopping him. So How much would you pay for amond leaf? I know the shipping proces fromhere for 10 leaves would be rediculous, but he says we could sell in bulk too suppliers in the states. We have lots of land that can be used potentially so do you think it could be a profitable venture or a waste of time?
I presume you're in the States ?

After shipment to the UK and the cost of the leaves I would expect the leaves to cost me around 30pence each, if I can get them cheaper I'd love to, but I havent' seen a supplier that can supply and ship any cheaper.
You'd also have to check on codes and packaging in the US and UK....what are the requirements for imports and for retail sales? Could you have retailers package them themselves and just import the raw goods? How would a person set this up? I think it's a wide open market here as far as I can tell. You have to tell people and retailers WHY they need this product etc or let the retailers do it--or get a marketing company to do it for you. Depends upon what corner of the market you want to be yours....if you can or want to do all corners in expanding.
Tell your dad it pays to research all aspects before undertaking such a venture. The more you can do upfront the better success you're going to have in the longrun. I think it sounds really good!! People have more disposable income for their pets and are spending more and more on them. In time perhaps you can get in with the big sellers at the chain stores if you want to take it that far.....?? Go for it!!
Well i made the mistake you could say, of showing my dad the prices of IAL on the net. And seeing the amount of Almond Leaf available here and how easy it is to grow, he want to start selling them. Now i know there's no way we could make a profit but once his mind's set on something there's no stopping him. So How much would you pay for amond leaf? I know the shipping proces fromhere for 10 leaves would be rediculous, but he says we could sell in bulk too suppliers in the states. We have lots of land that can be used potentially so do you think it could be a profitable venture or a waste of time?

Where do you live? You could sell them on aquabid or on ebay.
Thanks all
I live in the caribbean.
The idea was to supply a retailer. If i'm motivated to do it I will. The trees don't take long to grow and we have lots of land.... I will start planting them, see how many laves i can get on average with almost no expenditure and see if it's worth it to get a retailer.
Thanks all
I live in the caribbean.
The idea was to supply a retailer. If i'm motivated to do it I will. The trees don't take long to grow and we have lots of land.... I will start planting them, see how many laves i can get on average with almost no expenditure and see if it's worth it to get a retailer.

Do you already have Indian Almond trees there?
Thanks all
I live in the caribbean.
The idea was to supply a retailer. If i'm motivated to do it I will. The trees don't take long to grow and we have lots of land.... I will start planting them, see how many laves i can get on average with almost no expenditure and see if it's worth it to get a retailer.

Do you already have Indian Almond trees there?

Yes they grow everywhere. They were imported from india a long time ago when they were bringing slaves. Work fine... very well.
I would think it might make sense to see if you could get a company who makes stuff for fish interested in them...or just start a company. Think about packaging and getting them packaged to a retailer. Unfortunately here you have to think about that one. There aren't as many small stores as there used to be. They still exist. It might be hard for you to find them although many are listed online now if even in the yellow phonebook online. You could search city by city. Otherwise there are large markets like PetSmart and Petco----Wal-Mart who some people think of as Evil Incarnate. Just throwing out thoughts your way. It's sooo possible for you to do this and would be great!! There are guys who do stuff just like this and do super well. Takes alot of research and knowing upfront what you're doing as I said before. People are spending more and more $$ on their pets and there are an awful lot of bettas sold at these big places so we know loads of folks are buying them. They might not know how to care for them and the stores that sell them don't know either let me tell might be able to snare a corner of the market that can tell people how to do that along with your helpful product.............
Thanls for all the positive replies peeps. I'm gonna go alot of research and see if it is possible/profitable.. It's always worth a try :) never know when you can it jackpot
Yup-that's right!! There are alot of betta sold here but so few know how to take care of them that you'd be doing a real service by supplying that product AND you could help educate folks about keeping these fish on the way to making your 1st million--I mean billion dollars. :D

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