Indian Almond Leaf


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
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Miami, FL
Hello everyone,

I wanted to thank you for sending me the link to a site where they sold IAL and bags for fish. I received my order in the mail today and have to comment that the leaves look very good. Majestic bettas did a very good job, and I received my order in a timely manner.

I was wondering how long can you keep the leaves in their dry state, that is not soaking them? My water in IL is actually quite soft and a very nice pH, and I would like to reserve the leaves for use in FL, where I have liquid rock for water. I'll give you my FL stats from the tap, pH 8.2-8.6, gH 22!! When I dechlorinate, it comes out a little better, but I think the IAL will help a great deal, especially most of the fish I want to keep when I return prefer that kind of habitat.

My next vacation is from Nov 10-25, and I plan on taking my Bowl bettas with me. I want to send my mother some of the leaves and tell her to treat some water like a day before I show up, so the bettas won't freak out about a major water quality change. Does that sound like a feasible plan? If I can get the pH down to 7.4 or 7.6, I'll be satisfied.

Any suggestions would be most welcome since I've never really used anything except bogwood to lower pH in South FL. :dunno:

By the way, my imbellis are doing very well, they are getting much more outgoing. I love them, they are awesome! :wub:
If you keep them in a small ziplock baggie they should be fine....forever. If you can get your mom to whip up the betta kool aid in advance, that would be awesome of her. Do you plan on taking all of your fish home with you? I don't envy that trip!

EDIT~ I just got the liquid rock thing, wow, that took me long enough. I was like liquid rock....what the heck?
I think I would just use Bottled water instead of Tap...errr liquid rock ;).

I use to tote al my fish from work back home on the weekends before I got my divided tank built.

I had a beanie box for each fish.

I found a cardboard box just big enough to fit them all in side by side and however many deep (was 6 across x2 deep) then I used a roll of bubble wrap and wove it between each they didn't vibrate together on the ride.
I had it where there was enough space left over in the box that I could also put the box I keep my "fish supplies" is as they all fit nice and neatly in one that was big enough to hold everything, but small enough I could still carry it, and they weren't sliding around in it.

Before I left I put clean water in each box, only 1/2 full though, then put the lids on. Then when I got home I'd add water to the beanie boxes.

Worked grandly...was mildly aggravating, but it worked out...and no fish were harmed during the transport. :D
I think I would just use Bottled water instead of Tap...errr liquid rock ;).

A lot of people use bottled water in S. FL. I have resisted this. It is far cheaper to use tap, especially with the seven tanks I had in FL, each with weekly water changes! I will look into the IAL, bogwood, and CO2 injection to lower pH naturally over time, before I buy bottled water. A lot of bottled water in S. FL is from Florida sources, so the pH isn't really all that different. It takes a lot of patience to keep the more fragile fish species, but I have managed to keep cardinals for a long time, they just weren't the first fish in the tank. Before I discovered CO2 injection and IAL, I just used bogwood, the tanks I would keep would at first just have livebearers and very hardy fish. As time progressed, the tanks would evolve so I could keep the more fragile species. With the new methods, I think this process will go a lot faster.

Your transport method seems like a wonderful idea, and is quite similar to my plan, so it was nice to hear that it will work. It is like a 4-6 hour plane ride, so I might bag the fish the night before with a fast the day before.

No, Wuv, right now only my bowl bettas are coming with me, of which there are seven. The other fish should be fine with feedings every four days or even less often, as my tanks tend to come back trashed from friends over-feeding them while I'm gone. There's enough planaria, snails, and other little buggers to keep my fish not starving for two weeks. You, however, have taken the words right out of my mouth, mother will be incharge of the betta kool-aide, making the cocktail before I arrive. It, however, must be a clandestine operation, since my sisters think I'm arriving on the 15th, and I'm really arriving on the 10th. I am being a sneaky little :devil: I plan on sending her a few leaves in the mail in a few days.

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