Incredible snails on Aquabid


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
I've been getting into snails lately, got some apple snails of various colours, and some spixis, ruby nerites and zebra nerites.


Newest additions are stagshorn nerites - pretty wild! (If you're a snailgeek!)


But I was browsing aquabid and I saw these.....



Aren't they just the prettiest little critters you ever did see???

I WANT THEM......waaaaaah......but they don't post to the UK

Someone please buy them for me and post them to me


Am I crazy to get soooooo entralled by a few slimy snails, especially as there's no garlic butter anywhere?

MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome
MSS = Multiple Snail Syndrome
You and Martha leave my snailies alone SirM!

If I thought they could survive being shipped to the UK I'd get one of my cousins in the US to buy 'em.


Have you looked on ebay. There is a shop on there called Snail Shop (i think) the sell lots of different snails, have seen the staghorn on there but not sure about the others.

Might be worth a look. :D
I've never seen snails like that before (in real life). They are gorgeous... :drool: I'd get a few but I also live in the UK. :p
The snail shop does indeed have some very pretty snails, including the staghorn nerite and the horseshoe nerite.
See their current stock here
those snails that look like they are painted are nerite snails.

They can be kept in Fresh, brackish or salt water tanks.
Tho they only reproduce in Brackish water. I had a couple of these in my old tank, then i sold them :lol:

very nice snails tho, and pretty rare.
They do look painted to me as well. Otherwise they look like nice snails. More to add to my list. :)

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