Increaseing Watts Per Gallon Question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
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I've tried the hardware section with no success so hopefully someone here will be able to help.

I want to up my watts per gallon. I've currently got about 1 watt per us gallon,

i.e. 260 litres = 70 (ish) us gallons. 2 x 40W bulbs, so just over 1 watt per gallon.

Can you get higher rated T8 bulbs (42 inch) for the Juwel 260 aquariums in the UK? I've looked all over the net and all i can find is 38/40W for my juwel260.

Any help would be appreciated.

As Gine says - No, all T8 tubes are standard wattage for any given length, i.e. 24" - 18w
18" - 15w

The only way to increase WPG is to put more tubes under the hood. If you are short of space you could try T5's or power compacts


I've just seen on another post that juwel may do an upgrade kit? I couldn't find it on their website. Has anyone got one? Also, if i get more tubes (if juwel don't do an upgrade) will i have a problem with heat? I've seen other diy threads in which people have added fans.

Not seen the upgrade, but it will almost certainly be more expensive than doing it DIY with just a new ballast and some clips. Heat shoudln't be a problem T8's aren't that hot. Fans are only really needed for PC lights which can get very hot!

Hi, Just add some more tubes using metal slips (even Juwel sell these!) and use and additional ballast... ...then you can control the amount of light and the on off cycles.

I have done this in my RIO125 (see my thread on the pictures of members tanks forums), there is no problem with heat, as Themuleous says. If you then also add reflectors even more of the light and heat is reflected back into the tank!

Finally, the supplied Juwel tubes are quite dull, try replacing them with Arcadia or equivelants, they are much brighter!

Yeh good point re the light tubes, the pinned lighting artilce has a list of good plant tubes.


EDIT - I cant quite work out the lighting mod mate? What are the metal strips?
EDIT - I cant quite work out the lighting mod mate? What are the metal strips?

There just the ones used to connect tubes to hoods or reflectors! Arcadia's are usually plastic, Juwel sell plastic and metal ones. I reccommend trying to find the metal ones as they are more rigid and won't age so much under the lights (some of the plastic ones become brittle eventually).

Oh i see, you mean the round clip things that the tubes fit into? But how have you fixed these to the underside of the hood?
Thanks for all the comments, it's a real help. A few more questions.

Will the hood fit over the top of new ballasts?

If you get the arcadia type ballast you can just run the wires out the back of the hood. This also saves space as it means the ballast is outside the hood and not taking up valuable space inside it :)

I never use the WPG rule. It works in principle, as generally the better lighting the better it is for the plants. But its not terribly accurate at all. I use the Watts per unit area, summet like 19 watts per square foot of tank. It doesnt matter how deep the tank is, so volume (gallons) isnt an issue. The light lost travelling through 12 in of water and 24 in is miniscule.
Oh i see, you mean the round clip things that the tubes fit into? But how have you fixed these to the underside of the hood?

I'd like to know this too. Reflectors come with the clips so you can attach the light to them, BUT how do you then get the refector to attach to the hood? I guess drilling a few holes in your hood is one way but is there a neater way.
Come on, all you practical minded people give us a clue, hows it done? :blink:

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