inactive zebra danio


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I have one zebra danio left over from having 7. I got them about 5 months ago and one by one they all died off except this one. Since then I've got white mollies and put them in with him. He has been fine for all this time with the other fish. The last cople days I've noticed that he has been inactive; swiming around in the same spot and not darting around the tank as usually. I'm was waiting for him to die off before but I've grown attached to him. What can I do to keep him alive?
This is often a difficult question to answer, especially not knowing the background. You say the others died, what from or how? You also say that you have other fish of the same species. How are they reacting? It is a little difficult to give you some sort of answer-sorry.
I don't know what the others died of. I just found them died in the morning when I got up, one by one. I'm consitering moving it to another tank with another fish that's recovering from a unknown, but different sickness. I would put it in a different tank but all the rest are still cycling.
As I mentioned in another thread, it is difficult to advise you what to do, when there is not enough information. Sorry. :no:
Danios are schooling fish...he may be just lonely for some of his kind...6 or more are best but at least 3 should be fine...

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