Inaccurate Nitrate Readings


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
My Aquarium Pharmaceuticals test kit seems to be giving wildly inaccurate nitrate readings. I tested it right out of the tap, after getting the same reading on all 3 of my tanks (33 gallon planted, 45 gallon turtle and 10 gallon SW reef). The test kit is designed to be used for both FW and SW tanks, and test the total nitrate ion content. It says I have 180 ppm of nitrate in all my tanks, and 180 ppm coming right out of the tap. Can this be right? My plants are all doing well, as well as the fish, and the crabs, bristleworms, etc are doing well in the SW tank. Plus, apparently SW snails are sensitive to nitrate, and I've had a population explosion of Astrea snails. Would this be the test kit? I tested several times, and got the same reading each time. What would be the problem and remedy here? Thanks!
I've had a similar problem with that test kit when using certain water conditioners...going up to 180ppm when it should be a negative reading, positive readings disappearing back to yellow after 10 minutes, etc. How long you shake stuff also has a big effect on the readings. At 180ppm of nitrate I don't think your inverts would be real happy so you might want to get that checked by another kit or by a petstore.
I shook the chemicals and the chemical/water solution for the time the instruction told me to. I don't use any water conditioners. I didn't think my inverts would be very happy either, but the crabs are doing well, and I've had a population explosion of Astrea snails. I had 0, then after I got my LR (I assume the eggs came on the rock), I had a few. Now, a couple of months later, I have hundreds. The last time I tested the water in the tank, it was about 20 ppm or less, I did a water change, checked it after the water change, it was 180 ppm or so. So, I checked the tap, and thats where all the nitrates are supposedly coming from. I'll see if I can get my LFS to test the water for nitrates for me.
Well it would have to be a lot of water changing [if it really isnt your tap] for you to see results that way. It doesnt dilute quickly at all. Id check with my LFS.
IMO Try a better test kit - ie Salifert
I guess I should have mentioned, it was 2 large (50%+) water changes, as I had a large outbreak of algae and had just cleaned the glass, sand, etc. I'll get my LFS to test it, and if needed, get a better test kit.
I've had a similar problem with that test kit when using certain water conditioners...going up to 180ppm when it should be a negative reading, positive readings disappearing back to yellow after 10 minutes, etc. How long you shake stuff also has a big effect on the readings. At 180ppm of nitrate I don't think your inverts would be real happy so you might want to get that checked by another kit or by a petstore.

I had a similar concern about my NitrAte levels a few weeks ago. I was using the Interpet tablets. It says after adding the 2nd tablet to shake for 60 seconds for freshwater & 30 seconds for saltwater. I was shaking mine for longer than that & was getting readings anywhere between 75mg/l & 100mg/l (Same out of my tap)

Next time I read the instructions properly it was around the 10mg/l to 20mg/l mark. Phhhhhewwwww!!!

People tell me the Tetra liquid kits are pretty good. :thumbs:
According to this article here, the Tetra tests give inaccurate readings, in FW anyway. Based on the article, I think I would try to get my LFS to find my tap water nitrAte levels, then either use a Salifert if they are fairly high, or a Seachem if they are low. Or, I might just try a Seachem. Either way, I think I'll get another test kit. Anyone had any experience with Seachem?

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