In The Market For A Canister Filter


Fish Crazy
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
Windsor, ON, Canada
Don't know much about canister filters but I've narrowed my choices down to either a fluval 305 or a rena xp2 for my 30g long FW tank. Which would you go with? What do I need to know about these machines? Are they worth it? Would I be better off with 2 hanging power filters that would pump double the water?
Don't know much about canister filters but I've narrowed my choices down to either a fluval 305 or a rena xp2 for my 30g long FW tank. Which would you go with? What do I need to know about these machines? Are they worth it? Would I be better off with 2 hanging power filters that would pump double the water?

No canisters better due to larger bio space than any hang on the back. Fluval 305 has a excellent interactive instruction set so setups a breeze. Canisters going to be much quieter than a HOB. 2 hang ons would be better at mechanical filtration but much worse at handling/processing the ammonia/nitrite that kill the fish realtive to either XP2 or the 305. the 305 is desgined to focus (for a canister filter) on mechanical filtration with the water being forced through 2 oblong sponges so i don't see a plus for having two HOB's over one canister.
I have run the Rena XP2 and Fluval 404, the older range pre. 05 series. Accross the two, I'd say go Rena. Priming is less of a pain, they have larger surface area, thus are more efficient, and don't need cleaning often, as a lot of the muck is left in the pre-chanber prior to being passed through the filter mateiral :good: they are reportandly very reliable long-term too :nod:

The 05 range in good though, assuming they have the reliability issues of the 04 series fixed, so long-term reliabiliy on the 04's is reported to be an issue. Priming the fluvals is more difficult and IME they require more maintanance than the Renas.

I know rabbut is one of the few who have had some eheim problems, but bastables helped me through the specification and search process that led to me getting an eheim 2222. I've only been running it since Feb. so I can't speak to long term of course but so far it has been rock solid and completely silent and powerful. It is running on our 28G and has a Hydor 200w inline heater spliced into its output tube. Temperature anywhere in the tank has been rock solid too, so I'm extremely pleased with this combo so far. The 2222 is in the Pro-I series and so is more difficult to find, but I felt it was just about right for our tank which won't be too heavily stocked.

Sounds like I should go with a rena xp2, a good pro is the self priming. But fluval owners definitely love there fluvals. Thanks
I would go with a Rena Xp2 for a couple reasons. I have a Fluval 304 on my 30 Gal long and it works very well and, yes im in love with my 304, but it does have bypass and priming can be a pain sometimes. Its been running for 8 years now though :)

Rena Xp2 is bypass free. It will hold more bio media than the 304 but has less top surface area for mechanical filtration compaired to the 304.
Rena Xp2 is MUCH easier to prime although it takes a bit longer for the filter to work out all the air bubbles.

HOBs are nice for ease of cleaning but are noiser and if you don't clean them as often as you should, or if you have a powerful filter that even with clean pads will sometimes overflow or bypass and will only get worse as it clogs more. HOBs are also very poor for biological capacity.
Ive heard owners of some fluvals have had horrible experiences because of massive water spills. I know one guy had 30 gallons of water spill onto his kitchen and living room floor, basically ruining his hardwood floors.
Some of the older Fluvals apparently had seal ring issus that caursed this. Has Fluval fixed this? It is yet to be shown TBH, so we don't know and may be a risk that you need to think about taking when buying one of their canisters.

I think the 04 range as a whole was an improvement reliability wise on the preious ranges, but what about the 05 range? Time will tell :good:

All the best

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