In-Line Heater Has Broke


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
as the title states, ive stuck an extra internal heater just inase, but im having to build back up from 24oC up to 28-29oC again now :( bit of a scare to come home to :crazy:
It should be alright if you have an extra heater in, just get the better one fixed or buy new one. :D
its just gone again :( ive got a tiny heater in there. my ls has just closed for the night, im pretty screwed
its just gone again :( ive got a tiny heater in there. my ls has just closed for the night, im pretty screwed

Sounds like the wires have came loose or broken. Check the connections in the plug, but it's most likely the ones that are sealed away and you can't get to easily without ruining the insulation
theres a loud whirring and then a flash when it ticks over inside, the motor or something interally has gone. just went to pick up another heater from a friend but its broken :( currently heating a 260L tank with a single 240v / 100W internal heater :no: i expect to wakeup to dead fish

also anyone reccomend a new external heater? needs to be cheap, i relaly cant afford one :(
Cant find any decent in-line heaters in stock in the uk :( im feeling more and more screwed by the minute. how well is a 100w heater gonna last in this 260l :(

great little heaters.
Put a blanket over the tank, that should help keep in some of the heat.
What do you have in there because usually a night without a heater would not kill them all
I'm sure they'll be fine for now with a 100W, I had 120L of cold water that I was heating up to make salt water and I only had a 55W heater at the time, so I stuck it up on full and the water was up to 30 degrees in a couple of hours!

great little heaters.

im going to ring up in the morning as i think i have the 300w version of it. I wouldnt be as panicy but there are 8 discus in there :(
WOW 8 discus! If I had that i would react the same,just do what you can to conserve the heat.

WOW 8 discus! If I had that i would react the same,just do what you can to conserve the heat.

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some links

1st link, I think could be close to a dream bedroom :p play station 3, TV, guitar, two tanks. awesome!
I'm sure the 100w heater will do fine overnight. As codheadjohn says, lag the tank with a blanket or duvet if you're still worried :good:

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