In An Odd Situation With 2 Female Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2007
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ok well my moms boyfriends was traveling over the month to tailand hong kong kazakstan exc
he comes home last night and come over with these 2 so called , international female betta (they went to 9 countrys with him lol)
so i set up a little fish bowl (they were in a water bottle together for 2 weeks)
wow did there color change in liek the first 20 minutes they were in there!

there not eating, and one has like a hugly swolen lower lip

what should i do?

will they just start to eat soon?
ive fed them frozen bbs , pellets, flake food, anddd blood worms
and they only have been eating the flakes and then spitting them out
dont worry, i took out all of the food that they didnt even go for

OH and there bowl has been next to my male betta Bubbuh, and the one without the screwed up lip has been getting a larger and larger stomach and now she has like a white dot on her under site right before her main under body fin
(im so sorry i dont the the proper terms)
well could she be making eggs or something?

thanks for the help
lol does sound like shes egging up, the white spot is the ovipositer and that does get more prominent if a girl is interested in a guy and the belly swelling does sound like eggs, esp as its happened since you put her where she can see a male.
you will need to keep an eye on the one with the swollen lip to make sure infection doesnt set in and if possible keep the 2 girls seperatly for the moment, as the other one could start to bully the injured one, keep the water nice and clean and see if it improves
as for feeding wait a couple of days and then try, if you can get some live bloodworm or daphnia that could help stimulate their appetites and its good that you have removed what they havent eaten and they will also be adjusting to the different chemistry of your water
They are probably pretty stressed.
Are they wild caught? Because if so, they might only accept live foods (MIGHT)
Get some pictures up in a hurry!
Keep the water clean. And you might want to get something a little larger than a bowl (unless it is more than 2.5 gallons) for 2 females.
Unless you seperate them which is a good alternative.
Wow... we took a tank full of fry with us all over the state, and I thought those were well-traveled bettas... :)

Ditto on everything the other people said. Did the fish actually come from Thailand?
the swollen lip is the color of her, sorta blue so i think she might have had it for a longgg time
there not wild cought i dont think
and i would seperate them but i have no where else to but them,
they lived in a 20 once waterbottle for a week, with no food or no new air, so i think the 2 galon fish bowl is like a resort for them lol

i have some ick and parasite medicine and some betta fix, should i add any of these?
there not bulling each other and when there paths meet, they just turn allitle and keep swimming, im suprised that there fins are ripped up or anything though!

haha the guy who got them gave them to me untill he got a nice little home for them but heres the story
he was driving in tailand and one of the side little shops had a huge wall inside. he said each bettas bag was stappled onto a bord!!!
suposivly when he asked where the female ones were the worker gave him a look like he was crazy and asked, why would you want them?

WOAH!!!! right?
uhm i was just looking at the fat betta (one who i think has eggs) and she just flared at the other femal!?!? she didnt open he finns like males do but she made her gills are big a stick out, uhhhh is this normal???haha
Amazing story. I have a square plastic container (a cake box) that I have used as a temporary home for Bettas. The square shape meant that I could put a cheap $15, 50 watt heater in there. If it's cool at night where you are, it would be a good idea to get them a heater. It makes them less susceptible to diseases, and happier.
ok there STILL not eating, the one with the slowen lip started to get chaced so i managed to find a little bowl to put her in , she seems allot happier and active now

there both still not eating, one is starting to try to eat the poo at the bottom of the bowl, but still doesnt even care when i put real food in the water
ok there STILL not eating, the one with the slowen lip started to get chaced so i managed to find a little bowl to put her in , she seems allot happier and active now

there both still not eating, one is starting to try to eat the poo at the bottom of the bowl, but still doesnt even care when i put real food in the water

Have you tried plant foods, like cooked peas and algae wafers? If not it'd be worth a try.
:good: you sound as if you are doing the best for them. Dont worry if they dont eat they will when they are hungry.
ps 3 of my bettas live in plastic containers with lids on, hubby drills air holes in lids. They can also stack on top of each other.

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